Friday 30 September 2011

ALPHABET SOUP//VISUAL THINKING: Initial ideas, development of ideas and finals:

Final Designs: 

Layer -

Initial design ideas for type design for the word Layer:
All final designs where created using traditional media (black markers, fine liners and pencil)at a 15x15 format

Design ideas: my initial plan was to basically draw out a range of designs 
for what came into my head from the word "Layer" 
I decided to then develop some of these ideas as shown above, in some cases taking the anatomy of type into consideration for example the design above bottom right i took one idea then developed this further into a design that started to communicate the letterform more, after this i then went on to apply features from the anatomy if type for example a capital letter A that still had a stem common in nearly every typeface, i then applied "Layer" to this and the bottom right (top) was my outcome.   

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