Monday 14 May 2012


1. What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them: 

I feel that the main development has been with the quality of my work, i feel that from experimenting with effects and developing my skills within the Adobe suite, my work has progressed to a much more professional outcome aesthetically. However i know i have a long way to go, i feel that i have also progressed with my visual communication skills throughout this module i feel this is shown mainly within the 'its your choice' brief as i feel i have communicated the proverb effectively and as i aimed linked the posters to a select audience that is graphic designers.  

2. What approaches to methods methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process 

I have reacted to feedback that i have received from past module hand in's, i was informed that to develop my design development further i should draw a lot more and develop my work on paper before going straight into illustrator. I have also started to talk to my peers about my work a lot more, I feel that by speaking to my peers i have a second opinion on the work and this then informs me on how effective my designs are at communicating the message i aimed too.     

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

I feel that the main strength i have shown throughout this module is time management and organisation skills this has allowed me to work on the briefs without stress or worrying about problems with completion. This has also allowed me to spend my time much more effectively and i feel this is apparent in my outcomes for this module i feel that my work has progressed dramatically aesthetically I feel that i must now progress with my communication skills further to push my design.  

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future

I feel that the main weakness within this module and throughout my time at LCA is that i have failed to experiment with different printing techniques and the basis of my work has all been digitally printed, I feel that i will experiment with this before coming back onto the the second year. Another weakness is that sometimes i am partial to decide on a format of an outcome before i have really developed the idea, this is something i must address from this point on. The last point that i must address is that i must start presenting other peoples and my own work much more professionally.  

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

- Experiment with different print techniques - Giving me different options of print this can have different effects on the viewer for example traditional print methods can give the viewer a different feel for examples, traditional prints can feel handmade and give a personal feel to the viewer.

- Must be more experimental with design - Looking into postmodern attitudes to design as i am doing in my design context publication, this will give me different view points on design and effect my design decisions. 

- Must present my work much more professionally - This will just allow people to see my work in a much more professional manor and will just give people viewing my work a much greater view of my work, as the presentation is sometimes poor.

- Push design development further to produce a much more explored outcome - this will stop me committing to a design outcome so quickly instead i will explore a range of ideas to look for the best design solution
- More self organised crits - by doing this i will then receive a secondary point of view i have already done this throughout this module and have benefited greatly from this. I feel that by doing this much more frequently i will be able to push my communication skills much further from conversations about my designs with peers 


Attendance - 4 
Punctuality - 3
Motivation - 4
Commitment - 5
Quantity of work - 3
Quality of work - 4
Contribution to the group - 3


Tuesday 8 May 2012

406 Module Crit:

In preparation for this crit i decided to run through the 406 module as a whole and annotate on how my work reflects the work i have looked at during the module and how it has inspired my personal practice. 

Also making sure that i have defined what problems i aim to solve making this clear throughout my blog. From here i must then make sure that i clearly identify the solutions that i have produced to solve these problems - Also going into how successful the designs where in solving this problem, this can be generated from peer feedback. 

I feel that the crit was highly effective in giving me an overall understanding of what i am doing well and what i need to improve on: 

Overall the feedback that i received was very positive, my peers said that my work was finished to a professional standard and that in most cases my work is documented efficiently. 

Points that could be improved - i received feedback stating that in some cases the documentation on my blog could be extended annotating images and major changes with a design. Also look into a much more professional documentation of images of my design sheets and secondary research into existing designs.

Feedback sheets: 

Key questions to ask about your work:

Q1 - Is the design functional
Q2 - Is the design clear does it communicate 
Q3 - Is it finished to a professional standard
Q4 - Have i distinguished my aims 
Q5 - How have i developed since the beginning of the module

Common issues that where raised within our group where that all of our contextual information could be summarised picking out the key points of importance. On the other hand development on design practise blogs could be annotated just to give the viewer and understanding of the process. 


Wednesday 2 May 2012


I have prepared these poster designs ahead of my final module critique today, although the designs are not finalised i feel that i have produced the posters to a high level of quality and are near completion. I hope that the feedback i receive is constructive and will help me to push the designs further with communicating the message to the viewer.

The reason for revisiting this brief was a reaction to feedback i have received from module feedback throughout my time at the college. I have been told that i should work on my visual communication skills 
and problem solving. Although i felt that my initial poster designs worked well in my opinion i feel that in an attempt to improve my skills both in communication and visual skills in illustrator. I the proverb poster brief using text, image and a combination of the two would be great for improving these skills. 
I decided to make the posters work as a running set and to link them to my practice - Graphic Design

The Proverb and message that i have communicated is that

Any time means no time - When a task and time is not planned it will never happen.

The problem being that without planning your time you will never achieve what you set out too.

My poster designs aim to comunicate the message that plan your time wisely and work hard to achieve the goals you set yourself, that way you can achieve what you aim too.

I have then attempted to link the posters to design using format and visuals for example the posters below are based around type design, with the trace overlay completing the type poster, showing that if you plan your time and work hard you will complete what you set out to achieve.

Final Poster Prints:


Final alterations: 


The short statements below describe what message each poster individually communicates:

Type Poster design - You will never meet deadlines without planning the process - unfinished down to bad planning.

Image poster - The fact that without planning time it will disappear and you wont finish what you set out  to achieve.

Type and Image - You will only succeed and achieve the deadlines and tasks you have set yourself with hard work and planning.     

Design Direction Boards