Tuesday 8 May 2012

406 Module Crit:

In preparation for this crit i decided to run through the 406 module as a whole and annotate on how my work reflects the work i have looked at during the module and how it has inspired my personal practice. 

Also making sure that i have defined what problems i aim to solve making this clear throughout my blog. From here i must then make sure that i clearly identify the solutions that i have produced to solve these problems - Also going into how successful the designs where in solving this problem, this can be generated from peer feedback. 

I feel that the crit was highly effective in giving me an overall understanding of what i am doing well and what i need to improve on: 

Overall the feedback that i received was very positive, my peers said that my work was finished to a professional standard and that in most cases my work is documented efficiently. 

Points that could be improved - i received feedback stating that in some cases the documentation on my blog could be extended annotating images and major changes with a design. Also look into a much more professional documentation of images of my design sheets and secondary research into existing designs.

Feedback sheets: 

Key questions to ask about your work:

Q1 - Is the design functional
Q2 - Is the design clear does it communicate 
Q3 - Is it finished to a professional standard
Q4 - Have i distinguished my aims 
Q5 - How have i developed since the beginning of the module

Common issues that where raised within our group where that all of our contextual information could be summarised picking out the key points of importance. On the other hand development on design practise blogs could be annotated just to give the viewer and understanding of the process. 


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