Sunday 8 September 2013

Level 6_ Dissertation Research and Progression

As members of a consumer society we are continuously bombarded by images that are intended to sell goods or services to us. We are forever persuaded to purchase commodities that we don’t essentially need for survival, but rather commodities that will gratify our desires. In order to understand the way our consumer society works and how this persuasion is achieved, we need to consider the history behind capitalism, and in particular how psychoanalysis techniques have been used by the advertising industry to sustain and increase consumer demands for commodities.

As we are members of a consumer society, all through our life we are continuously confronted and faced with images that are all intending to sell products or services to us. We are constantly persuaded to purchase goods that are not necessities in every day life, but rather commodities that will fulfil our desires. In order to understand this i must look at the way our consumer society works and how persuasion works. I must look into the history behind capitalist culture and in particular how psycoanalysis is used by the advertising industry to maintain and progress with customer demands for commodities,

Karl Marx declared that there are two kinds of relationships that exist in a society – social relationships connecting people, and the relationships linking an individual and the products of their labor. With the growing success of capitalism, it is now apparent that such relationships have been damaged and social relations are now seen as being predominately a relationship between people and money. As a result, labour today is viewed solely in terms of the value that it will add to raw materials.

I will begin by looking at Karl Marx it was declared that there multiple relationships that are apparent within society, social relationships connecting people, and also the relationship between individuals and their products of their work. With the growth and success of capitalism it is without doubt apparent that relationships have been broken and social relatons are now seen as being prodominatey a relationship between people and money, a result of, labour today is viewed only in terms of the value that it will add to raw materials.

Marx proclaimed that for a capitalist economy to be successful there would need to be a continuous demand for commodities being created. The advertising industry has facilitated the expansion of consumer demand for commodities by learning what encourages consumer behaviour. As a result, techniques used in psychoanalysis are employed by the advertising industry to address and persuade the consumer’s unconscious desires.

Marx said that for there to be a successful capitalist economy, there would needs to be a continuos demeans for commodities being produced. The advertising industry has facilitated the expansion of consumer demand for products by learning what encourages consumer behaviour. As a result of this some techniques used within psychoanalysis are employed by the advertising industry to capture and persuade the consumers unconscious desires.

Psychoanalysis is used as a type of therapy intended to provide a ‘client’ insight into their unconscious desires and motivations. Developed by Sigmund Freud, psychoanalytic theory proposes that most of an adult’s personality originates from a deep-seated conflict between an individual’s wish to satisfy their physical needs, and the obligation to function as a responsible part of society. According to Freud, this struggle is carried out in the mind by three structures; the id, super ego and ego.

Psychoanalysis is most commonly used as a tool of therapy with intentions to give the person a real insight into their unconscious desires and motives. This was all the work of Sigmund Freud, Psychoanalytic theory states that most if an adults personality sources from a deep conflict between a persons desire to satisfy their physical needs, but also to function as a responsible part of society. Freud stated that the struggle is carried out in the mind by three structures; the id,super ego and ego. 

Freud’s analysis found that the id is completely oriented towards instantaneous gratification. It functions according to the ‘pleasure principle’ and behaviour is guided by the wish to take full advantage of such pleasure. The superego is the counterbalance to the id and is essentially an individual’s conscious thought. The ego is the structure that mediates between the id and the superego. The ego attempts to stabilize conflicting forces by discovering behaviours to please the id that will be acceptable in society. Freud discovered that conflicts between the id and superego take place at an unconscious level, so it is assumed that a person may be oblivious of the motives underlying all of their behaviours.

Freud found that the id is completely based on on instantaneous gratification. It works according to the principle of pleasure, and the persons action is guided by the want and wish to take full advantage of this pleasure. On the other hand the superego is the counterbalance to the id and basically is a persons conscious thought. The ego is the structure that is the real control between the id and the superego. The ego attempts to stabilise the fight between the conflicting forces, by discovering actions to please the id and still be acceptable within society. Freud found that conflicts between the id and superego occurred at an unconscious level, so it is assumed that a person may not know of the motives that underlie all of their actions and behaviours 

Freud explored workings of the unconscious mind in the course of his dream studies and two of his insights have been of particular significance to the advertising industry. Symbolism is used in advertisements just as dreams use symbols to represent an individual’s unconscious desire. Symbols permit the mind to work in a different way to the rational mind, and only at a figurative level does a symbol hold meaning. According to Freud, the deeper meanings related with symbols are outside conscious judgment. The Freudian viewpoint implies that the ‘ego relies on the symbolism in products to compromise between the demands of the id and the prohibitions of the superego.’ Thus, advertising frequently relies upon symbols to communicate messages that would otherwise be unmanageable or problematic.

Freud went onto explore the mechanics of the unconscious mind in the course of his dream studies and two of his studies have been of real significance to the advertising industry. For example symbolism is commonly used in advertisements just as dreams use symbols that in turn represent a persons unconscious desires. Symbols allow the mind to work in a completely different way to the rational mind, and only at a figurative level does a symbol hold meaning. Freud stated that, the deeper meanings   related with symbols are beyond conscious judgment. The Freudian viewpoint implies that 'the ego always relies on the symbolism within products to compromise in between the demands of the id and the prohibitions of the super ego.' Thus, advertising frequently uses symbols to communicate the messages that would otherwise be unmanageable or problematic. 

The unconscious makes links between symbols and individual desires through association. Freud discovered that two things can become related simply because they occurred simultaneously. Although the association may be forgotten the connection remains in the unconscious mind. Freud’s insight emphasizes the prospective importance of unconscious motives that underlie purchases and how symbolism and association can be used by the advertising industry to ensure that there is a constant consumer demand for commodities.

The unconscious mind makes links between the symbols and the desires through association. Freud discovered that two aspects can relate simply because they occur simultaneously. However this association may be forgotten the connection remains within the unconscious mind. Freud's insight emphasises the prospective importance of what we call unconscious motives that are the underlying purchases and how symbolism and the association can be used by the advertising industry to really ensure that there is a constant consumer demand for commodities.  

An advertisement successfully transfers meaning by associating symbols that represent individual desires with commodities. At first glance it may seem the ad is presenting two objects with a similar meaning, however ‘it is only in the advertisement that this transference of meaning takes place.’ The advertisement may use an already existing language or ‘sign system’, and by appropriating an association that is present in that system between a signifier and signified, an advertisement is able to articulate its product in terms of the equivalent relationship. By making the association between the signified and signifier, the advertisement is able to make a similar association between the product and the signifier.

Advertising successfully communicates meaning by association of symbols that represent individual desires with commodities. From the publics perspective it may seem as the ad is displaying two objects with similar meaning, however 'it is only in the advertisement that this transference of meaning takes place.' The advertisement may be using an already existing language or 'sign system', and by appropriating an association this is present in that system between the signifier and signified, advertisements are able to articulate its product in terms of the equivalent relationship. This is all achieved by making the association between the product and the signifier. 

Thus, the work of advertisements is not to formulate a meaning, but to translate meaning by way of a ‘sign system’ that we are familiar with. As a result, ‘significance in one system can be used to create a new system of significance.’

The work of advertisements is not to formulate a meaning, but to communicate meaning by way of a 'sign system' that we familiar with. A result of this 'significance in one system can be used to create a new system of significance.' 

Roland Barthes’s work on images, further suggested that meanings are formed through rules that govern symbols, and while ‘meanings might appear to be natural, obvious and immanent, they are in fact produced…they are constructed through identifiable processes of signification at work in all representations.’ Thus, advertisements use differences existing in social traditions to produce distinctions between products.

Roland Barthes's work based on images, suggested that the meanings are formed through rules that govern the symbols, and although 'meanings might appear to be natural, obvious and immanent, they are in fact produced...they are constructed through identifiable processes of signification at work in all representations.' This states that advertisements use differences existing in social traditions to produce real differences and distinctions between products.

Advertisements are preceded by market research to give insight into what people think about products. In the 1950’s, motivational research endeavored to use Freudian ideas to comprehend the deeper meanings underlying advertisements and products. The approach was fundamentally based on psychoanalytic interpretations with a major importance placed on unconscious motives.
The research relied on comprehensive interviews and consumer behaviour was investigated in order to determine each person’s purchase motivations. The resulting information was used to develop marketing communications that appealed to the individual’s subconscious desires. It provided an influential clasp that would generate further consumer behaviour. Adapting Freud’s ideas, advertisers realised that to persuade consumers, they had to tap into the unconscious minds of people. The implication was that consumers could not necessarily verbalise what their exact motivation for choosing a product was.

Advertisements are preceded by the research of the market, this gives an insight into what it is that the public think about the products. During the 1950s, motivational research endeavoured to use the Freudian ideas to comprehend the deeper meanings that where the underlying the advertisement and the products. This approach was the real fundamentals based on psychoanalytic interpretations with a huge importance placed on un conscious motives. This research relied on comprehensive interviews and the behaviour of the customer, this was all investigated in order to determine each individuals motivations towards the purchase. The resulting information was then used to develop the marketing communications that appealed to the individuals subconscious desires. It really provided an influential grasp that would really generate further consumer behaviour. By adapting Freud's ideas, the advertisers found that to persuade consumers, they had to tap into the unconscious minds of people. The implication was that the public could not necessarily verbalise what their exact motivation for selecting the product was.

Psychoanalyst Alfred Adler proposed that most human actions are provoked by people’s desire to conquer feelings of inadequacy relative to other people. Thus in a consumer society, ‘a person may channel his or her unacceptable desires into acceptable outlets by using products that signify these underlying desires of inferiority.’ Therefore as consumers, we buy not to gratify our need but our desire. We continue to buy because according to psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan, our desire can never be satisfied. Consumer objects are best explained by their capability to excite desires and as a result, commodities have now become a way of defining ourselves.

A psychoanalyst named Alfred Adler stated that the most human actions are provoked by an individuals desire to conquer feelings of inadequacy relative to other peoples. This shows that within a consumer society, 'a person may channel his or her unacceptable desires into acceptable outlets by using products that signify these underlying desires of inferiority' This shows that as consumers, we all buy not to gratify our needs but our desires. We will always continue to buy because according to psychoanalysts Jacques Lacan, our desires can never be fully satisfied. Consumer objects and products are best explained by their capability to excite desires and as a result, commodities have now become a way of defining ourselves.

Nearly all psychoanalytic applications in marketing are linked to the sexuality of commodities. The most widespread need is to feel sexually attractive, so to relate a product with sex is the best way to sell it. Robert Goldman gives an example using a L’Oreal ad for lipstick. The advertisement displays female lips against a predominately white setting. The eyes are shielded for mystery, her facial skin is flawlessly smooth and the full red lips are slightly parted. Situated in front of the mounted icon stands an admiring man with his back turned to viewer. The ad supports a prominent ideological version of women defined by the male stare, and suggests that ‘male power and women’s power over men is constituted through appearances.’ In this instance, the woman as an epitome of glamour and beauty commands the interest of a male by making herself an object of desire.

Most of all psychoanalytic applications within marketing are linked or associated with the sexuality of commodities. The most widespread need is to feel sexually attractive, so to relate a product with sex is the best way to sell it. Robert Goldman Gives an example using the L'Oreal ad for lipstick. The advertisement displays female lips against a predominantly white background. The eyes are shielded giving the ad a mysterious feel, her face is flawlessly smooth and the full red lips are slightly parted. The next aspect of the advertisement is very significant it shows a male figure with his back turned to the viewer. The ad supports a prominent ideological version of women that is defined by the male gaze, this suggests that 'male power and womens power over men is constituted through appearances.' In this instance, the woman as an epitome of glamour and beauty and this is commanding the interest of the male by making herself and object of desire to the male.

On the other hand this has also apparent within advertising for Males......... Show example for example the 

I have been set the task of: 300 word analysis that sums up the Gaze theory: - 
The first stage of this task was for me to find an image or video that displayed this: I have selected this lynx ad that i feel is a great demonstration of this theory. 

I have selected an image that i feel reflects and represents all the key points that where risen during the last seminar from the text - Coward, R ., 'The Look' Pages 33-39 the advert was created by Lynx in 2011,

'The camera in contemporary media has been put to use as an extension of the male gaze at women on the streets. Here, men can, and do, stare at women.' (p. 36) The fact that the model in the ad is gazing directly at the viewer gives the ad an instant connection with the viewer. The position the model is taking is also in a sexual manor and is not a natural posture. This is again backing up the feeling of male dominance as she is bent down in front of us pulling the food from the oven this is again displaying the male fantasy of a submissive female. 

Backing up the feeling of male dominance is the representation of a unintelligent female figure this backs up the image of a controllable female that is submissive and will do as she is told. This is something that has been reflected for a long period of time within society and women are now starting to live up to this image to please the males, 'Clearly this comfort is connected with feeling secure or powerful. And women are bound to this power precisely because visual impressions have been elevated to the position of holding the key to our psychic well-being, our social success, and indeed to wether or not we will be loved.' (p. 37) this quote shows that in modern society females have adapted to and are now acting up to this male fantasy to give the males what he wants.

The ad is a great example of of where female vanity has been taken to the next level as you can see the model has been been depicted as vein and sexy by the attire that she is wearing in addition to the enormous breasts skinny body and tight bottom this is seen as the ideal woman in the male gaze this is just a statement that she wants males to look at her and and she looks like this and shows it off to please men, a quote that represents this theory is. "Women's Experience of sexuality rarely strays far from ideologies and feelings of self image. There's a preoccupation with the visual image of self and others and concomitant anxiety about how these images measure up to a socially prescribed ideal." This quote shows that there is a social idea of the ideal on which a woman should look and also how she should act this shows that we are a society that is dominated by aesthetics.

The vision of the sexy controllable house wife is the ideal in the male gaze this quote
"The saturation of society with images of women has nothing to do with men's natural appreciation of objective beauty, their aesthetic appreciation, and everything to do with an obsessive recording and use of women's images in ways which make men conformable." This is an ongoing reminder that women are seen to be there to be controlled by the male. This just gives the male more power. 

Advertisements such as this encourage women not simply to ‘beautify’ themselves with possessions, but also to identify themselves as objectified surfaces. Body parts are abstracted from the person so that every part bears its own sexual persona. John Berger similarly makes reference to how the behaviour of women in works of art is frequently arranged so that women emerge as objects of display for the exploitation and admiration of the spectator-owner.

Advertisements such as this really encourage women not to simply 'glamorise' themselves with possessions, but also to identify themselves as objectified surfaces. Body parts are abstracted from the person so that every part bears its own sexual persona. John Berger similarly makes reference to how the behaviour of women in artwork is frequently structured so that the women emerge as objects of display for the exploitation and to be admired by the spectator or owner. 

Psychoanalysis has helped us understand how our consumer society works, and as a result techniques such as symbolism and association have been employed by the advertising industry in an effort to expand the commodity market. By enticing the deep-seated desires of the unconscious mind, the advertising industry has managed to get a firm control over consumer purchases and essentially, over an individual’s freedom of choice. In a fight for consumer freedom, subcultures resist the persuasive nature of advertisements and give new meaning to commodities that have already been pre-defined. Through acts of rebellion in art, fashion and language, this has been achieved.                              

Reading List for this passage of text. 

Barthes, R. (1973). Mythologies, transl. Annette Lavers Palladin Books
Berger, J. (1977). Way of Seeing. Great Britain. Chapter 7
Carlson, N., R. & Buskist, W. (1997). Psychology: The Science of Behaviour. Allyn and Bacon, MA
Debord, G. (1967). Society of the Spectacle. Black and Red, Detroit, 1997
Goldman, R. (1992). Reading Ads Socially. Routledge, 1992
Hebdige, D. (1979). Subculture: the Meaning of Style. Routledge
Marris, P. & Thorham, S. (1996). Media Studies: A Reader. Edinburgh University Press
Solomon, M., R., Dann, S., Dann, S. & Russell-Bennett, R. (2007). Consumer Behaviour: Buying, Having, Being. Pearson Education Group, NSW
Williamson, J. (1978). Decoding Advertisements: Ideology and Meaning in Advertising. Boyars

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