Tuesday 21 May 2013

What is Good: Final Post_


What i aim to do:

The main focus of this brief is to give healthy eating an identity amongst all off the beautifully packaged un healthy competitors. I have produced Print based branding and packaging designs for the brand. The whole concept works around giving the brand an element of desirability, I have took inspiration from the unhealthy food we see every day and have found it is design and finishing processes that achieve this desirability.

The fluorescent Green has been used to not only communicate freshness and taste, but the fluorescent spot colour moves away from the very common dark green that is found on most of the packaging. The bright finish is not only eye catching but it also communicates the energy that comes as a result of eating their healthy products.

Typographic Elements & Embossing

The layout i have created results in a clean layout with a large amount of negative space used. This again communicates the ethos of the brand with simplicity, nothing added just like their foods.

The typeface used is bold and moves away from the common serif typefaces that are commonly used with healthy eating brands. 

Embossing was the final addition to the designs, this was applied to give the audience something lovely to feel, From my research i have found that this "feel" plays a huge part in attracting the audience. Many of the top selling snacks are packaged with beautiful stocks / beautiful finishes to attract the buyer. I have communicated the purity of the print by using a blind emboss with no ink i feel this is again a representation of the food products PURE sell.  

I have again took inspiration from the beautiful packaging that exists and applied this to my healthy products for example the apple packaging was inspired by one of the most famous snacks in this day and age Pringles.


Print Based Branding and In store Packaging Design.     

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