Sunday 19 May 2013

505 Evaluation:

1. What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

In my opinion the main development with my skills over this year has to be in terms of concept development and production i feel i have really shown these skills within the what is good brief. I found that the initial research stage really allowed me to create a concept that was fully informed on the subject and i feel the quality of the work i have produced shows this. Another aspect i have developed is within finishing and design production i feel i have also improved my skills within branding and idenity and actually pushed my skills with packaging design. I believe i have taken risks with this brief but i feel that combined with the strength of my concept i feel this works effectively. I am extreemly happy with what i have produced and aim to keep developing these skills as i push on into summer. 

2. What approaches to methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

In terms of design production i feel that because my design choices where informed by a strong body of research they where much more effective. The colour choice was effective but was actually going to be too expensive and could not be achieved at uni however i believe i have used innovative thinking to replicate that successfully. My first encounter with creating a copper plate to create an emboss i was again over the moon with the quality it produced and i am going to be using this from now on. I have also shown how a brand can be coherent across a wide range of media for example the brand is consistent from print based all the way through to the web design.  

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

I feel that in this case it is the conceptual side that has really improved and i feel that my designs really capitalised on this, i was happy with how my designs where finished but i now feel that in combination with a strong concept the designs become so much stronger. I feel that during this module the crits have really allowed me to work on my conceptual skills and i am very happy as i feel now i focus a lot more on the building and generation of concepts rather than jumping straight into the work   

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?

By far the weakest part of my module was the poster brief in my opinion i was very focused on the what is good brief and because of the length of this, i really just created my poster design very quickly. the main reason for this is because i was creating the what is good brief so it could be used for samples of work for gaining a work placement in summer . 

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

ensure that i set myself set brief and make sure i do not focus on one brief and push others to one side. 
Ensure that i carry on with the self initiated briefs as they help mostly with design development.
Make much more use of tutorials to get feedback on my progress
always keep on top of workload to avoid stress.

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