Sunday 19 May 2013

What is Good: Choices For Finish_

Choices of Finish_ 
In terms of choosing a finish for this brief was always going to keep it simple the reason for this is down to the concept Purefoodco is all about clean healthy food that tastes amazing, it obviously did not make sense to me to creat a design that was overcrowded and packed full of finishes. However as the brief was also working around desireability i had to be careful not to jump in and cram my designs full of beautiful finishes as this would over complicate the design. I ensured that i selected a beautifully textures stock ensuring the audience would love the feel of the product. 

Blind Emboss

the blind emboss was used to reflect the quality of the products this was my first experimentation with a copper plate and i as so happy with the result. The clean crisp emboss not only feels amazing but also represents the quality of the brand. The reason for the blind emboss was to represent the purity of the compant the idea is that it is clean and has nothing added to it creating abeautifully pure finish.

Spot Colour Representation_ 

The real eye catching element of the piece has to be the beautiful fluroecent stock that i used, this was basically still keeping the freshness and taste element that is communicated with the colour green however now injecting and element of youthfulness and energy into healthy eating moving away from the boring green that is commonly found.  

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