Saturday 18 May 2013

BAGD LCA Exhibition Poster Concepts x3

For this brief we where to generate 3 concepts for a poster that is promoting and exhibition at Leeds college of art that was showcased in the waiting area outside the studio. The design must be created to fit the frames and will be applied to mount board when placed into the frame.

My concepts _

Chosen concept is}

*Something fresh, as the exhibition space is constantly moving and new work is displayed every 2 moths 6 times a year, i decided that my poster would graphically display how old work comes down and is reveals fresh design.

my second concept is also under the name Something fresh however it was taking a very different pin on things i was going to create a typographic piece that not only read effectively but also communicates the aesthetic of Fresh Fruit this was used to communicate to the coming first years that graphic design is not just simply print based there is alot that can be done and achieve with a range of different mediums the image below shows how my piece would have looked when completed.

my third concept is based on the Space itself i would create a simple shape that shows the dimensions of the workspace with a simple sheet of trace laid on top this would blur the vision of what is underneath this will then prompt the viewer to have a look the poster design would then inform the viewer on the fact this is their space. the interactive element could work really effectively

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