Tuesday 11 October 2011

ALPHABET SOUP//TYPEFACE: Final typedesign and design sheets exploring the anatomy of type:

Final crit: The crit was very effective in allowing me to receive feed back from my peers, I was very happy with the feed back as my type design seemed to deliver the theme to the viewer. 

Some points that I need to look into are - 
  • Development of the letters - s, z
  • And positioning of the letter g must be brought down to be flush with the baseline. 

Name Badge Design:

I have out my typeface design together to create a piece of block text, basically just to get an idea of how the type would look in its layout on a page.

From the crit I received peer feedback that brought up a subject I had already took into consideration - The idea that to give the design the final laid back chilled feel I would have to round the ascenders and descenders off, however I felt this would take away any inspiration from The type I found from the Russian Con era, so I experimented with some outcomes, my favourite is shown below I feel I have found the happy medium that reflects the words chilled and laid-back but also has a sharp finish to it common of Russian con (strong sharp angular lines).  

This design sheet was created to explore the anatomy of type and how certain letterforms work together 
fro example how a p, q where related, after going through my development process i found this applied to many more letters.

Again carrying on with anatomy of type: To achieve the chilled laid back feel i decided to use a very cylindrical theme with my counter and bowl designs and to use italicised ascenders and de senders to try and achieve the laid-back feel.   

Again this design sheet is just looking at the anatomy of type and how some of the designs would work Italicised this also has additional letterform designs that are in reaction to crit feedback for example the bottom right of the design  show my new desig  for the letters e,y

Rounded ascenders and de senders again backing up the feel of chilled and laidback. 

Creating My Final:

I decided I would create the basic design idea on illustrator and then work my new developments into the design from here. Image below shows production of my final at half way point.

Final Trace:

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