Friday 21 October 2011

PROVERBALLY YOURS// MESSAGE & INTERPRETATION: Final print// visualisation - Crit feedback and reaction to Crit:


Crit Feedback:
- Statement of the poster came across well

Is this being communicated in a clear and focused way? YES
What could be developed further:
- Colour scheme could have been developed a bit? 
- Posters stand out very well due to colours.
- Text on the middle poster could be removed or or re positioned.

Have the posters been kept simple and to the point? YES
Is a statement, fact, or question being posed?
Two very strong statements - inspirational
strong optimistic message this then leads on to advise the students how to go about getting it.
Like the with out a challenge statement - and arrow working across the three posters
Text in middle poster slightly confuses.

Has the restriction to two colours plus stock been met? YES
Are two colours plus stock appropriate to the solution? YES
Why are two colours plus stock appropriate/inappropriate?
- Bold Colours used in a way creating maximum effect for catching the viewers eye.
- Covers full print, works well as a matte print.
- Yellow and black gives off an industrial feel "getting the job done" 
- Applies to where theres a will theres a way.

Do the posters work as a set or series? YES
- Composition - Across three posters, fluid + colour scheme is consistent. Typography is consistent.
- The posters work brilliantly as a set the way they follow on into each other is extreemly clever they build up up well to this "point of achievement" - really nice touch.

Is it clearly evident which poster is TYPE, IMAGE or TYPE & IMAGE?
- Picky but - arrow goes across all 3 arrow typographic? - glyph?
- Block colour on first poster caused confusion to wether it was strictly all typographic.

Are the posters memorable, Immediate high impact and clear?
- Impressed on first sight - colour scheme makes you remember.   
 - The use of block colour and image creates a really effective visual and the bold large font catches the eye
- Positive message was nice to see.
- Visually + aesthetically pleasing, black and yellow are very visible, work very well together. Arrow looks good how it goes across all three posters.

Further feedback: 
- Possibly instead of type more imagery? - middle poster? 
- TYPO - Advise instead of Advice.

Here is my final poster print, overall i am happy with the design of the piece however I believe I could have developed this into a much more effective design, I think if anything i would simplify the design slightly as I feel there is a lot to take in.

Visualisation: I have taken this photo just to show my design in context, displaying how the colour scheme chosen is highly eye catching this draws the attention of the viewer directly making them read on... 

Single poster Visualisations:

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