Monday 9 January 2012

100 things...... Collect and Catogarise



From this i selected 5 specific aspects

Development in skateboarding:
taking into consideration advances in technology and the technique of the skaters, for example lighter trucks, stronger decks, harder wheels, all contributing the progression of skateboarding. Also the advance in tricks progressing skateboarding technically.

I have looked into the development of skateboard tricks listing a variety of moves and the action the board takes, This is then categorised into the trick tips area, i believe that visually this could work but as a product i feel there would we far to much information flying about and this could then confuse the viewer. 

Skateboard Trick list: up to date:

1. Ollie Considered the trick of all tricks, this trick was what allowed Flatland Skateboarding to reach a vertical height and gave rise to the merge of Freestyle to Street obstacles creating an entirely new style of skateboard. Streetstyle Skateboarding. Streetstyle Skateboarding became possible when Freestyle tricks were allowed to be done on Street obstacles and the Ollie was the trick that allowed this to become possible. The Ollie was developed by Alan “Ollie” Gelfand on vert. This was done by simply scooping the board up into the air. The Flat ground version of the ollie was then invented by Rodney Mullen. He figured out that with proper foot positioning you could pop the board into the air.
2. Shifty tricksPerform an ollie shifty or a an ollie where you land in the same stance but move right or left. You can do flip tricks like this but there very difficult and usually are done as late flips. Shifty tricks can be frontside or backside. It can be only done with a heelflip or kickflip, backside or frontside.
3. Frontside/Backside 180An ollie in which both the skater and the skateboard rotate 180 degrees either frontside or backside. If the skater spins some other multiple of 180 degrees (e.g. 360, 540), the trick is named accordingly.
4. Frontside/Backside 180 north180 where u slide the front foot off the board. An ollie where u sldie oyur fronnt foot off is an ‘Ollie north but isnt listed here due to it not being a flip trick but a freestyle trick.
5. Full Cab / CaballerialA fakie frontside or backside 360 ollie. Invented by Steve Caballero.
6. HelipopFrontside or backside 360 nollie. Invented by Rodney Mullen.
7. Frontside/backside 360 pivotWhen you do a 180 land on the nose (which is now on the tailside) and pivot.
8. Half-CabA fakie frontside or backside 180 ollie.
9. Pop Shove itPopping the board with your back foot on the toe side of your board 180 degrees.
10. Frontside Pop Shove ItSame thing as a pop shove it except you pop in the curvature of your board on the heelside.
11. 540 Shove itWhen the board goes 540 degrees and you land it.
12. Switch FS 540 pop shove-itA FS pop shove-it when board goes 540 in switch stance.
13. BigspinThe board spins by popping a backside 360 shove-it with the rider spinning 180 the same direction. Usually done fakie.
14. Frontside BigspinThe same thing as a Bigspin but the rider pops a frontside 360 shove-it and spins 180 degrees frontside.
15. Backside BigspinA 360 backside pop shove-it with a 180 body varial going the same direction.
16. Frontside Disco spin/ kastalarial/ Twisted SpinA frontside shove it with a body varial in the other direction.
17. Anti bigspin360 shove it with a body varial in the other direction.
18. Frontside anti bigspinFrontside 360 shove it wit ha body varial the opposite way.
19. Disco spin/ Kastalarial/ Twisted SpinA sex change shove it or a pop shove it with a body varial in the opposite direction.
20. Plasma SpinFrontside bigspin with a pressure Impossible.
21. Gazelle Spin
A 540 Shove it with a body rotation of 360 degrees in the same direction. Fs/Bs/. Fakie Fs/Bs. Nollie Fs/Bs. Switch Fs/Bs.
22. Shove-it late shoveA BS shove it kick it back to a FS shove it.
23. Shove it rewindDo half a shove it and turn your body the opposite way than land back in your switch stance.
24. Fs shove it reqindDo a front shove it and a body varial in the opposite direcion catch it halfway and put it back to the original positions accept your in switch.
25. Late Shove-itA shove-it, either frontside or backside, performed at the apex of an ollie.
26. ImpossibleWhere the board completes one rotation by rolling around the skater’s back foot, in much the same manner as spinning a baton with one’s hand. It is considered good style to make the board flip as vertical as possible. If the board spins laterally or comes off the back foot, it tends to end up looking more like a 360 pop shove-it. This trick can also be done with the front foot. That is called a “front foot impossible”. This trick was invented by Rodney Mullen. He shared the idea of this trick with some of his older friends who told him it would be impossible, hence the name.
27. FS impossibleAn impossible in FS (in your back).
28. Double ImpossibleThis trick is when the board does a full impossible and continues to spin an extra rotation.It was invented by Richard Harter.
29. Impossible Shove it/Horizontal ImpossibleWhen you do a horizontal impossible like a shove it but on your back foot.
30. Wrap AroundBasically an impossible but the board turns 90 degrees and wrap around your back/front foot it is half way between a horizontal and verticle impossible.
31. KickflipWhen a skateboarder flicks off the corner of his nose of the board, if he/she rides normal with his left foot first he kicks to the left and vice versa for goofy footed skaters. Invented By Rodney Mullen.
32. Double KickflipThe same thing as a kickflip, only this time the board does two rotations before the skateboarder lands.
33. Triple kickflipWhen you do kickflip and it flips three times.
34. Quadruple kickflipA kickflip when the board flips 4 times.
35. HeelflipSimilar to the kickflip, only the board spins toe-side (towards the toes). For a regular skater (left foot in front) the board spins clockwise from a perspective behind the skater. Again, there is a kick as part of the ollie, but unlike the kickflip it is directed forward and outwards away from the rider’s toe side (diagonal), so that the last part of the foot to leave the board is the heel, hence the name.[10] Instances of multiple spins are named according to how many spins are completed.
36. Double heelflipWhen you do a heelflip and it flips twice.
37. Triple heelflipA heelflip when the board flips around three times.
38. Fakie flipsFlip/spin tricks while riding backwards.
39. Switch flipsDoing flip tricks in your other stance.
40. Nollie FlipsAn ollie off the nose of the board. Any trick can be performed nollie rather than an ollie (although they would be renamed accordingly, e.g. a kickflip from a nollie is called a “nollie kickflip”). A common misconception among younger riders is that nollie is similar to fakie. When performing a nollie trick, frontside is still frontside, as is backside, as if you are still riding in your regular stance. Fakie is meant to imply rolling backwards as if still riding regular. An example would be the a nollie frontside pop shove-it which is performed as if doing a switch backside shove-it, only riding backwards.
41. Late FlipA kickflip or heelflip performed at the highest peak of an ollie.
42. SexChange FlipsA Kick/Heel Flip With a 180 degrees body varial in one motion.
43. No comply flipsA No Comply is Where you foot plant and than use your back foot and knee to lift the board of the gorund. It is a freestyle trick but you can do pressure flips, Finger flips, and spins from it.
44.Frontside/Backside KickflipA kickflip combined with a frontside or backside 180 ollie. This trick is also known as a frontside or backside flip.
45. Frontside/Backside HeelflipA heelflip combined with a frontside or backside 180. This trick is also known as a frontside or backside heel.
46. Varial HeelflipA varial heelflip is a heelflip combined with a frontside pop shove-it.
47.Varial KickflipA varial kickflip is a kickflip combined with a backside pop shove-it.
48. HardflipA frontside pop shove-it with a kickflip. This trick is awkward to execute, and the board sometimes appears to move vertically through the legs.
49. Hardflip 180/ Ghetto BirdA hardflip with a late backside 180 usually performed as a quick revert. When it was first created this trick was performed nollie but is now referred to as a ghetto bird in any stance. This trick was created by Nick Taber.
50. Hard Doubleflip (also Known as Hard Hard Flip)A hardflip with two kickflips.

I have looked in detail into the development of new tricks within skateboarding, many of them i haven't heard of before, this was information that sprouted from the idea of Trick tips - that came from skateboarders - related to skateboarding history with the start (Alan Gelfand.)

This could possibly develop into some sort of instruction graphic? 
to teach skateboarding? 

The information that i collected was then categorised into 3 main sections (Inspirational skate baorders, History of Skateboarding and development in skateboarding.)

Skateboarding History:
51. 1950's - First skateboard was invented - The  first skateboards where put together with a mixture of components  the skateboard decks where simply cutouts of wood, based on the style commonly found within surfing. Wheels and Trucks where salvaged from the old fashioned roller skates (4 wheels) then cut in half and mounted to the deck. 

52. 1963 - Popularity Peak no1, first skateboard competitions much like ice skating with a panel of judges watching the flat land competitions. 

53. 1965 - Popularity of skateboarding dropped dramatically - People thought that skateboarding had simply died out, anyone who wanted to skate had to make their own equipment. 

54. 1972 - Introduction of the urethane wheel - The introduction of the urethane wheel this meant that skateboarders could now almost grip the concrete opening new doors to different style of skateboarding.

55. 1975 - Dog town and the z boys - This group of teenagers changed the whole style of skateboarding, basically setting the foundations of skateboarding as it is seen today.

56. 1978 - Invention of the (ollie) by Alan Gelfand - this was a huge advancement in technique of tricks in skateboarding the ollie meant that a skateboarder could jump with the board still attached without the aid of a grab.

57. End of the 70's - Skateboarding popularity began to fall many skateparks where forced to close

58. 1980's - The first big skateboard companies began to arise, skater owned companies - developing new technology for example deck designs. 

59.1985 - Bones brigade video, the first commercial skateboarding video, featuring the likes of tony hawk and all the big names this is what took skateboarding comercial

60. 1995 - First XGames big skateboard competitions

61. 2000+ - Skateboarding today - constant progression no body knows where skateboarding could go...

Skateboard technology today:

Inspirational Skateboarders:

Further research into inspirational skateboarders:

62 Tony Hawk - Commercialising skateboarding and taking it world wide.

63 Rodney Mullen - Invention of the first flip tricks progression and development of skills
64 Mike V - Innovative style - does things differently.

65 Mark Gonzales - 'The Gonz embodies the sheer essence of skateboarding, and we wouldn’t be the same without him.'

66 Bob Burnquist - Progression within skateboarding as a whole pushing in vert skating and the mega ramp.

67 Paul Rodrigues - Pushing skateboarding competition further and further, constant progression means no one know's where skateboarding could go.

68 Ryan Sheckler - Pushing skateboarding competition further and further, constant progression means no one know's where skateboarding could go.

69 Duane Peters - Duane Peters (born June 12, 1961), nicknamed "The Master of Disaster", is a punk rock singer/songwriter and professional skateboarder. Active since 1977, he is probably best known as the singer in the California punk rock band U.S. Bombs, which formed in 1993. 

70 Christian Hosoi - Christian Hosoi emerged as one of the top competitors of vertical riding alongside such pros as Steve Caballero, Mike McGill, Lester Kasai, and Mark "Gator" Rogowski with an eventual rivalry developing with Tony Hawk with contrasting styles in both skateboarding and lifestyles—Hosoi, known for his flair and graceful style

71 Jay Adams - according to Bones Brigade founder Stacy Peralta, Adams "may not be the greatest skater of all time, but I can say without fear of being wrong that he is clearly the archetype of modern-day skateboarding." Craig Stecyk dubbed Adams "the original 'seed'.

72 Stacey Peralta - Peralta formed the seminal Bones Brigade, a skate team composed of some the best skaters at the time, many of whom revolutionized modern skateboarding. He also began directing and producing the first skating demo videos for skaters such as Tony Hawk. 

73 Tony Alva - The level of aggression with which Alva skated was in stark contrast to the traditional style of the era which was still based around tricks formulated in the 1960s. Alva and the other Z-Boys were among the first to bring skating empty pools into the mainstream.

74 Alva shunned the major skate companies to form his own skateboard company, Alva Skates. Alva's company was the first company ever run and owned by a skateboarder as well as being one of the first to use layered Canadian maple plywood for the skate decks.

Transworld skateboarding most inspirational skateboarder:

75. Mark Gonzales: 

The Gonz:

Voted the worlds most inspirational skateboarders of all time: 

Skateboarding quotes:

76. “I won't quit skating until I am physically unable.”
 Tony Hawk quote

      77. “I consider skateboarding an art form, a lifestyle and a sport.”

     I Like this quote I dislike this quote78. “I love the fact that there is now a skate park in almost every city, but it will always have a rebellious/underground edge to it because it is based on individuality.”

     I Like this quote I dislike this quote79. “I love snowboarding, but I would never want to do it competitively or at a professional level. Snowboarding is a spawn of skating, and skating is my passion.”

     I Like this quote I dislike this quote80. “These sports are just -- you go do it, and you're doing it on your own. You don't have to answer to anyone.”

      81.“He is a sports superstar with his feet firmly planted in reality.”

     I Like this quote I dislike this quote82. “He's never been afraid to try things higher and higher, even when he was young and dwarfed by the size of the ramps.”

     I Like this quote I dislike this quote83. “That's awesome. Aside from being a really positive outlet for kids who are going to skate whether there's a park or not, it's a breeding ground. It helps our sport grow.”
     I Like this quote I dislike this quote84. “Some of the spins he has learned on his skateboard had never been done before, because we, as skaters, didn't have a frame of reference to try them for the first time. For instance, nobody had attempted a 1080 in skating until Shaun tried it last year. He wasn't scared because he's done it plenty of times in the snow.”

     I Like this quote I dislike this quote85. “If you do not online-enable a game, it could kill you.”
 Tony Hawk quote


Due to time management problems i found that i had left myself too little time to visit the skateparks myself so i looked through a series of reviews 
on the skatepark and found the location on google maps: 

I will then simplify the data i have collected and will come up with a brief statement on each skatepark, and will take information from the imagery i hae looked at for example surface, style of park, if a fee is needed to skate, protective gear needed and what the area and skater traffic is like.  

Skateboarding campaigns:

Existing skateboarding campaigns, 

What people know today:
Primary Research: 

Educating the youth:

It has become apparent that skateboarding has blown up  into a huge commercial sport 
where sponsorships pay millions to select athletes to wear there products, and to me the fun of 
Skateboarding is diminishing. The future of skateboarding have no idea about the beginning
of the sport and where it originated from. 

From being a kid growing up on a skateboard, i have a decent idea about what appeals to 
them its all about "free stuff" give aways at skateparks after professional demos     

World Records:

First person to jump it without a motor:
Location: China 
Audience: Everyone 
Object: Great wall of china

Biggest Bomb drop:
Location: Las Vegas
Audience: Everyone 
Object: Fender stratocaster 

Highest air:
Location: 2004 x games CA
Audience: Fans specific audience
Object: mega ramp

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