Wednesday 7 November 2012

Print production Crit:

Design Direction Boards:

During this crit we presented our work to our peers in groups of 8, this was basically just to give them some background information on what i am aiming to create. This seemed to go down well and the group seemed to understand what i am aiming to produce: 

After this we then went onto generating questions that we wanted to receive feedback on that would in turn influence my practice:

- Stock choice? are the stocks i have selected, effective? or are there any other samples more effective? 
- Is simplicity the most effective route to go down?
- Is summarising my research going to be effective or will this be too vague? 
- Isit clear what i am wanting to achieve?

We then paired off and went onto crit our peers work: My feedback is shown below: I have summarised all my feedback -

Really strong stock considerations - research seems to have benefited you
Design boards show great direction, if your designs run along with inspiring work it will look sweet
Go with the two stocks i have selected as they reflect simplicity
Simple works - Ikea style works with the simple modernist style
Simple package is functional and protects the stock and prevents creasing
Summarise content to match the style
Strong visual aesthetic - working very well as this would display the content 

Areas of Improvement:
Try experimenting with other stocks, for the content pages as this stock chosen creases fairly easily
Summarise content but still make the content make sense so it is understandable
This information could be displayed in illustrations and vectors
Stock and Colour before Print processes 
Order you would use them in print
Start Designing to get a feel 

Simplicity is good, but make sure there is enough info to convey the information 
Choose the information that i want but make sure someone checks this
Look at different stocks on a variety of pages - Show the different stocks:

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