Tuesday 20 November 2012

Print Production_ Pre Press Proofing:

I have decided that i should now apply what i have learnt from my research into commercial print now, i decided that i would speak to my peers about my design to see if there where any alterations that needed to take place. I carried this out by a pre press proof the definition of what that is is shown below.

Pre press proof:

An analogue or digital proof that gives an approximate of what the finished piece will look like
the production is in expensive, in particular the digital proofs
Colour is not as accurate as press proof as does not use actual inks

I decided to show a digital pre press version in the form of an issuu document that is displayed below, and a print based one although this was only a black and white print out, this would only be a representation of layout and order of the book itself. My peers where extremly helpful and picked up on a few things that could be altered, this is a very useful method and i can see why it is such a large part of commercial print within the industry sometimes it helps to have another set of eyes on your work.

Open publication - Free publishing - More graphic design

Print based Pre Press Proof: 
This is simply a digital print out that does not display the stock that would be used, inks that would be used or the binding method it is simply a proof in which to get feed back on my content and layout of the design,

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