Sunday 2 December 2012

Lifes a pitch: logo design and brand identity and Online Presence:

As you can see we experimented on a pulp like paper that would be similar to the substrate that would be used for our envelope design and other parts of our brand identity products. We also plan to print our logo onto the cover of each of our moleskines, we experimented with this and we where overwhelmed with the quality of the print when high pressure was applied the border will not appear on our final prints as the plate will be to the scale of our largest print. 

Today was all about experimenting with print, as we had already completed our e flyer it was a great opportunity for us to push on with our Brand identity project, we decided to experiment with creating new print plates instead of using the wood as a group we have commonly used individually, as we are going to be using this plate a fair amount of times, we felt as a group perspecs would be the best choice as it is much cheaper than a copper plate, however we decided to test the plate material by printing on some of the stocks to see how the materials would react and how effective the print finish was. The outcomes are displayed above.


The general idea around our e-flyer is to ensure that it targets our specific target audience which is mainly businesses, ASSSK is a branding and communications agency. As a group we didn't want to go down the 100% corporate business route either, we want the branding and products we produce to reflect us all being new graduates generating fresh innovative ideas. This must at the same time not to experimental as it must still appeal to our audience. We produced a range of ideas as a group and decided that a design that displays our modern innovative ideas on design but keeping the design simplistic and minimal would be highly effective. Abbas went away and produced an E flyer that we where happy with after a few alterations. ASSSK E - flyer is shown below  

"The idea behind asssk is we make everyone who comes to us look good throughout a variety of media, big company or small company, jussst asssk."

Sams Layout mock ups:

We sat down as a group and generated a few ideas for our E - Flyer. We decided that a minimalist layout would work well as we had decided to incorporate an animated aspect into the design. The simplistic layout in combination would ensure the design is not overpowering. Sam went away and produced the layouts below that we where very happy with as a group. His designs also displayed a colour scheme that as group we feel are highly effective in displaying how our business is modern but also contemporary. 

Online Presence:

As a group we decided it would be highly beneficial for us to create and online presence, we decided to create a behnace account to display our work and we can all become co owners of this and can link to our own individual portfolios. this also allows people to contact us. as well as creating a twitter email and purchasing an online domain name. 

Our online domain is and out email address is

This then allows us to add work to the behnace and twitter pages as we go, we are aiming to treat this as a great opportunity to brand ourself as one of our first projects and post this to behnace when the designs are completed and even in progress, this will help us get our names out there and hopefully allow people to see the the foundations of an exiting studion that people and businesses will be interested with working with.  

These are just some ideas i have produced for our brand and identity project as a group, we all gave each other tasks to work with over the weekend i have decided to produce envelopes for our brand, we have decided to use two styles of envelopes. a catalogue envelope that will be used for important business notifications such as bills and formal documents, and DL envelopes for aesthetic presentation for less formal documentation such as invites ect.

I have decided to put together a pattern design that will be used for the inside of the envelopes and could possibly be used for other aspects of our products in our brand identity project. The outside of the envelope is to be embossed or de bossed this is somthing i will bring up with the group on monday. 

The logo design was and idea that was generated as a group i then took away the ideas that the group had put in and produced this design drawing. The group where happy with the design and we discussed the design bringing up the areas that needed tweaking. from this point it was time for me to digitalise the logo this is the first logo i have created and i feel this was a great opportunity for me to step up to the challenge. I am happy with what i produced and what was produced by the group. this allowed me to use design drawings that would create a clean finish. I still feel the logo design could be touched up further but this is something i can do over time. 

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