Sunday 2 December 2012

Print Production: Progress Crit:

This was the final crit on this project and the feedback that has been given has pointed me to what alterations must be made, once these alteration are made i feel that the content of my editorial is complete and i can now explore new printing methods and  print techniques that i would be applying to my design if i was actually getting my design printed. 

We laid our work out on the table and paired off into pairs we then went about analysing our peers work and in turn recieving critical feedback on our own work, during this crit we did not specify specific questions that we wanted the answer too this allowed the feed back we received to be a basic over view of the full book, not specific areas.


Nice mix of images and diagrams, not too heavy - balance between type and image clean layout effective to read and follow, embossed cover will work really well, use the black one more readable? 
Great experimentation with embossing print techniques into practice nice and easy format easy to hold overall great job.
Typeface is appropriate

Areas for improvement
Annotated throughout
No contents page, and page numbers
Just watch image quality, especially when printing 
On finishes change the 'Definition' spelling.

Considerations to think about:
Remove all the full stops on the headings - not needed. 
White Front cover looks better than the black, embossing idea is good 
Good use of Lorem Ipsum:

Key points raised in the crit as a group: Good:

Good research
Contents page
Page numbers
Basic type skills
Line spacing

Action Plan:

Make sure i proof read the whole of my design making highlights
From here then apply the changes in InDesign 

Proof read again - Peer this time another pair of eyes

Preparation for print

One last proof read

Send to printer

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