Tuesday 4 December 2012

ISTD: Re Writen Brief and Design direction Boards.

5 problems that need solving:

_ What programmes are going to be shown on the channel 
_ Make the design communicate to my audience using a strong and effective brand identity
_ Make the brand stand out amongst the crowd make it not only noticeable but also memorable
_ The channel has no identity 

5 ways your audience would come into contact with your work:

_ Prit based advertisements  
_ Web design - on demand channel 
_ tv advertisements

5 things i still dont know about my content:

_ What programmes will still be shown
_ Where and When the advertisements will be shown 
_ What the people want from a channel 
_ What is the most effective and cost effective way of promoting the channel 
_ What the audience are interested in (in general)

Crit Feedback:

Main point that was taken from the brief:
_ Be specific about the genres that are played on the channel


analysis of competitors this helps to recognise what your audience is like think about strengths and weaknesses. 
_Specifics have been given this helps define outcomes will be focused and appropriate:

_Humour will attract the audience well, ambitious ideas for products, but is appropriate for time scale

_ Good initial research on competitors, Specific audience and good knowledge of them Great proposed ideas

_ Good use of visual research, clear direction, Experimentation with ideas, looked at previous entrants to brief to get an idea of other designers approaches 

_ Research is in depth and relevant to subject, Experimental ideas could work well especially as the brief wants to stand out and be different

_ "Change the name sounds like a  porn channel"  are they all abit similar for a reason could begin so different backfire? 

Areas of improvement  

_ Must look at further research on channel topics, what they are visually and how does this translate on the channel to the brand  identity

_ Further research into the genre of programmes that will be shown on your channel

_ The brief is very broad for the time scale we are working too, making it international what programmes?

_ Channel x is proposing to show, ECT could be more specific or specialist to make this more manageable.

Presentation Boards: 

Re Written brief
Competitors and Existing examples
Last years entrants 
Colour schemes 

I have re written the brief this is in turn allowing me to push on with areas of practice that i feel will be beneficial for my, for example i have really decided to focus on the logo design and will then be moving onto the branding of the company both are key areas that i plan on moving onto as i progress in my career as a designer.  

I thought it would be very beneficial to me to look at existing tv brands it was clear to me initially what i saw as effective branding and what i felt wasn't, For example film for is effective in that the use of the colour red reflects the curtains of a cinema giving the viewer the feeling of the cinema at home. Dave for example is extremely effective in that it directly targets the audience. My favourite of the lot really has to me more 4s branding, This is my main inspiration due to the fact it target as a wide target audience as mine will do, and in my opinion this is down to the colours used a range of youthful colours mixed in with natural colours. This means that man nor woman is singled out it is for a wide audience and the programmes shown are reflected through the branding of the channel.

As i have decided not to rush straight into the design process i felt it would be more effective for me to look at the colours i would use first i looked at a range of colours initially to present to the group and i was hoping to get closer to a selection after the crit the group helped me decide on a few colour swatches to experiment with. All of the colours selected where what i saw to be relevant to a wide age range and also relevant to both sexes.  

And the final sheet is basically looking at past entrants looking at what had already been created, I decided that i would take a completely different approach to this and hopefully create something that is not only innovative but also highly effective. 

The Brief: Channel X 

"We are an international Tv brand. We love our Drama, reality tv,  soaps. We commission gutsy programmes and blend cool drama with our own lifestyles. We segue effortlessly from escapist to gritty to humanitarian, to sensational."

"The picture is fantastic, what is missing is the frame. We need and identity that stands out amongst the avalanche of brands, movies, adverts, sponsors and TV shows that are all screaming for attention."

"We need to build a bold brand, to forge emotional connections with our audiences_ to be open and compelling. rooted in truth and effect we want to be memorable. be a challenger and express a clear point of view. We need o be more than expected_ not just another channel"


Look into existing branding - 

Look into existing work that has been created for competitors 
Look at what already exists 
Look into what interests the target audience
What medias will be most effective for delivery 
Times for advertisement

Target audience:

Our audience

_Love being entertained

_ Are not affluent but have sophisticated spending and tastes 
_ Are articulate but not necessarily university educated
_ Are between 16_45 
_ With a slight male bias
_ Including young parents

Tone of voice: 

I intend on making the campaign have a humours feel, however the tone could be varied for different programmes that are shown on the channel.

The tone of voice will depend entirely on the ad, i must create a range that appeals to the whole range of ages within my audience:


Develop a brand identity, aesthetic and creative direction of the channel 

Create a company name
Logo design that represents the channel, it can be live action, animation based and it needs to have a bold strong attitude. that feels alive. this must be branded across all print and web based products. 

Mandatory Requirements:

Whether you take an animation, live action or print based approach, you must develop and produce a set of design guidelines for use of the identity/logo.

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