Tuesday 11 December 2012

Print and Web: Crit Feedback_

Again i am showing how i am not jumping straight into the design process, I want to create a logo design that is in my opinion effective rather than something that just simply looks good, I have again whittled my colour schemes down again so that i can receive more feedback on this, as this will be a huge part in making my logo effective.

Visual research this basically just looking at a few competitors of my for this brief, As i have looked into creating an on demand channel but i aim to make this innovative in introducing a system to make the whole process much more user friendly. As this to be honest is the only down fall to some of the competitors is how easy the web site is to use.

In terms of where my design will appear in context this board shows what would be produced and where it would appear.

Design Boards:

Crit Feedback:

Lots of research, understanding your concept very well,. 
The idea on making an on demand website, very ambitious ideas
Specific audience is very focused 
Innovative Range of products.
Visual research is strong and looked into competitors
Clearly considered colour scheme - Choose which is most appropriate
Age range is appropriate for tv.
Visual Research is great maybe look at a wider range.

Areas for Improvement_
Produce some branding designs 
begin working with visual ideas.
Generate a name in order to move forward with the design 

Considerations_ Design Boards need to use a greater point size 
Make sure that the designs are consistant across all medias

5 problems that need solving:

_ What programmes are going to be shown on the channel ---- Film and Drama
_ Make the design communicate to my audience using a strong and effective brand identity 
_ Make the brand stand out amongst the crowd make it not only noticeable but also memorable
_ The channel has no identity 

5 ways your audience would come into contact with your work:

_ Digital   
_ Web design - on demand channel 
_ Print based and web based advertisment

5 things i still dont know about my content:

_ What programmes will still be shown -------- Film, Series, Documentarys_ Where and When the advertisements will be shown ------ From watershed onwards -- Weekdays during the day not 2 - 4  
_ What the people want from a channel --------- Students, Working Professionals, Retired adults 
_ What is the most effective and cost effective way of promoting the channel --------- Tv advertisement and web advertisement  
_ What the audience are interested in (in general) ------- Action Thriller, Romance, Fantasy Adventure, Comedy, Drama

Crit Feedback:

Main point that was taken from the brief:
_ Be specific about the genres that are played on the channel

Areas of improvement  

_ Must look at further research on channel topics, what they are visually and how does this translate on the channel to the brand  identity

_ Further research into the genre of programmes that will be shown on your channel

_ The brief is very broad for the time scale we are working too, making it international what programmes?

_ Channel x is proposing to show, ECT could be more specific or specialist to make this more manageable.

Presentation Boards: 

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