Thursday 1 March 2012

Communication is a Virus: rational/concept/initial ideas and design direction.

Further Rationale: 

Basis: The main feature of our campaign would be the twitter account where the truths sent to us are re blogged anonymously for others to see, the purpose of the campaign is to get people to tell the truth more this allows them to but not hurt anyone else, getting things off their chest feeling better about them selfs. I believe this will be highly effective when the hash tag is introduced.  


  • Business Card: This can then be handed out to the public, it could also be put under the windscreen wipers on specific areas of town.
  • A6 leaflet promoting the campaign and also with our personal business barcode this will then link the participant to the twitter page.
  • Twitter account where the where we re post, this will display what were about and our branding.   

Audience: Professionals a specific audience audience mainly, targeting a sophisticated business audience as from research i found that in these types of profession there is a need to get things of your chest this can be down to stress from anything to masses of paperwork, hatred for their boss etc. 

Environment: Our products would appear in and around the business area of the town centre we will target the High end bars, Cafe's, on the street and placed on car windscreens. This will allow us to target our specific audience and also appeal to members of the public of any age...


nitial Ideas and Design Direction Boards

Design Direction:

We aim to create a campaign that gets the public to tell the truth MORE... The public post their secrets onto our blog, where they can then read other peoples secrets. all will be published anonymously. This just makes the participant feel much better about themselves and gives them a grater self esteem. We aim to produce a range of products that promote the campaign and giving it some sort of brand identity.

Imogen then  came up with the idea of: 
A campaign that allows people to post their secrets to a blog where they can read other peoples secrets this will encourage people to tell the truth thus feeling better about yourself. I feel this is a simple effective idea that answers the brief i feel that after showing our design direction boards tomorrow we will then be fully focused on this idea. We have spoke about how products could work along with the blog for example journals,bookmark, posters, basically giving us the opportunity to brand the product.   

We put our initial design ideas onto design direction boards, At first we struggled to produce any ideas that really stood out to us but after some initial research into the subject we found some points where constantly recurring for example, "Getting people to tell the truth more" who this would be aimed at "people who lie" ..... Governments and conspiracy theories it has become apparent to me that there are constantly arising on the subject of war, we came up with the idea of researching the top 10 conspiracy theories and thought of the idea as a campaign inspiring the people to make their voice heard, get the government to tell the truth. After reviewing the idea we decided this was very risky and we are not sure how the design would fit the brief as it is mostly focused on lies. 

As a  group we decided to go with "Get people to tell the truth more" I feel out of the list we chose one of the more challenging points, after brain storming a range of ideas we came up with a few recurring ideas but nothing really stood out so we sat down for longer to think about what audience i feel this will work out for us not rushing into design ideas right away...... really nailing the audience context and what we are trying to communicate. 

(How does it spread?)


You have been given an idea, concept, message or task. You are required to produce a graphic response that engages with a specific audience. Your response should consider the context and environment in which you aim for it to be delivered. You will need to identify this as part of your initial concept proposal.

You should aim to identify, analyse and use existing means of distributions in order to select an appropriate method of communication. 

Background / Considerations

What do you want to say? How do you intend to say it? What language would be appropriate?

Will the content be communicated primarily through type or image? If it is both what is the relationship between the two?

What are you aiming to achieve? Are you directing your audience to a website, encouraging them to attend an event? Will it be interactive or encouraging them to change their lifestyle?

The tone of voice of voice should be appropriate to your content, the audience to which your work will be delivered and the context in which it will be viewed or delivered.

A limited colour pallet, two colours plus stock, will allow for reproduction of your designs across a range of media.

You should resolve this problem by the deadline stated below. However, if you have plans to extend the scope and ambition of your response beyond this deadline you should include these proposals in your presentation.


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