Tuesday 28 February 2012

Design Principles: 3D Typography

We began by creating a viewfinder this allowed us to work to a frame/perspective. From here we then decided on a Letterform to work with:

We then went onto dissect the letterform creating sparate parts we then created 3 planes to the letterform so that from the viewfinder the letterform looked complete however from and other perspectives the object was completely un recognisable: as shown by the images below.

We then went on to progress the process onto  a 5 plane perspective increasing the amount of layers  to the letterform the imagery below shows the process. As a group we found this much more difficult to piece the letterform together as a whole.

I will take what i have learnt today and will then be putting this into practice with my designs from now on. I can introduce planes or different viewpoints on my designs.

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