Wednesday 8 February 2012

End of Module// Self Evaluation:

1.  What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

During the photoshop brief i have experimented to some extent  the use of some of the tools, I will carry on my technical experimentation to try and progress with this piece of software as i feel it is not my strongest point. The how too brief allowed me to work on my collection of data from the data i have collected i then went about attempting to communicate this data through a visual info graphic that would be relevant to the subject matter In my opinion i feel i executed this well and i communicated the data and subject matter well, By doing this I feel i have developed my design development through experimentations in illustrator and  design layout sheets. Moving on too our latest brief I have developed my methods of research not just producing a huge pile of resources but collecting relevant information then categorising them, this allowed me to be selective from the research i produced meaning it was easier to locate data to use for my designs or inspiration, in my opinion it is apparent where all my designs have come from and which research is relevant to each aspect of my designs.     

2. What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process? During this module i have experimented with a range of design production methods which i initially draw up onto layouts marking out typographic elements, Once i have a few ideas to develop on i normally then go into Illustrator and start my vector designs. However during the 100 things brief i was struggling with idea generation so i started designing straight into illustrator i was happy with the out come, however i feel if i had sorted my time scale out i could have developed some ideas into much stronger outcomes.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these? I feel that one of my main strengths is communication, i have developed my info graphic design ideas throughout this module and feel they have become much more effective as it has progressed, i feel this is mainly down to the development of ideas from design sheets. I seem to be able to visualise an idea after creating a few initial layouts. I was thinking about maybe producing a wide range of ideas possibly designs in different formats next time this could broaden the range of ideas i can produce. I will carry on developing ideas on design sheets but maybe will not spend as much time on them as i have this module this is again down to my poor time management.  

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future? My main weakness has to be time management i feel that the design development process and execution are not a problem but i feel if i sorted out my time scale i would be able to produce highly effective designs, I believe the only way of doing this is to designate certain time scales for each project i find my self drawn into one certain design or project and i forget about other aspects, i improved on this towards the end by writing up to do lists. I will carry on doing this from now on as this seemed to help the problem in some areas. 

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

- I will improve my time management skills/ create to do lists this will allow me to develop the designs as a whole not just certain areas, to produce a design that is strong throughout.

- Constantly evaluate my work - short blog posts giving my opinions and others, this will allow me to look back on my designs and see if the correct message is being put across ( the design will make sense to me but maybe not to my peers)

- I will interact with my peers more to get a secondary opinion on my designs, this will allow me to know if my designs are communicating the correct message or if some tweaking is needed. 

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