Saturday 4 February 2012

100 things production of finals:

Crit Feedback:


- Design direction - Strong identity created through the use of the colour blue, This was a decision made when choosing the campaign route I decided to use the branding of adidas as this would be much more effective when standing out to my target audience. 

- Design development - Visually the products work well as a series, but as a set the series are not as strong, as i have stated on my blog the designs are to motivate and some to inform i would have found it difficult to make the whole design work as one as the decorative style would not be effective on the map design, making readability the visual elements confusing. 

- Visual Quality - eye catching, neat, well presented, not cluttered with facts: This is down to my selection of key facts from a vast amount of research i have categorised the data into relevant selections that i felt would be effective in my design.

- Technical competence - Matt finish is visually appropriate.


- Design direction -  How does adidas link to the purpose of the product - not enough emphasis on the factual information. Too many typefaces used? The use of the adidas brand name was used to enhance how effective the campaign was my research showed me that skateboarding is driven by brand names - this was more appropriate to my target audience.

- Design development -  

- Visual Quality - Typeface on the map was not very legible, I have tried to keep text to a minimum and attempted to replace text with icons i felt this worked effectively.

- Technical competence - Could have been printed onto real t shirts and possible print on deck, - This was down to my time management skills i feel i had been much more organised i would have produced the products how i intended too.

Printed finals:

Limited edition gonz and benny 
30 years of fun skateboard deck 8" 

Catalogue page: Series of products that would be created for the adidas skateboarding 30 years of fun range this would be limited edition for a short time only.

Although i didn't want to change the two designs too much as i felt they should hold some subtle differences just to give of a feel of skateboarding still being about fun back then and present day. The two differences are basically just the use of board style if you look to the top of the design you will see the modern day skateboard shape, however on the Gonz poster i have shown a board shape that would have been used by him growing up as a skateboarder i found this from my research into skateboarding technology development research.  

This was again created in photoshop by duplicating layers then alteration with colour mode and technically experiment ing with the threshold of the layer. 

There became a problem after the production of my first skater image, i came to the understanding that it would be an isolated audience who would be effected by the Mark Gonzales image. This is due to the fact that the younger generation just wont know who the Gonz is until seeing this poster, so the designs not only inspire but will educate them too, The use of  Benny Fairfax - This will appeal to the younger generation/ british skateboarder/ made it big/ skating all over the world/ this gives the youth something to aspire too.     

Pattern design was mainly inspired by my artist research, this was also inspired by the style that is associated with skateboarding at this moment in time, I felt this would be an effective method of grasping the viewers attention as i know from my research skateboarding is heavily influenced by styles.

Mark Gonzales image:
As i have decided to create a campaign i felt that it would need to carry a face or personality, i found from my research that the most inspirational skateboarder in the last 30 years was Mark Gonz Gonzales,  
I created this image by duplicating layers in photoshop then technically experimenting with threshold. 


Above: Typographic poster designs/ secondary use can also be used as a stencil for spray paint on the grip tape this is just a way of getting the audience involved gives the campaign a personal feel and something to actually interact with. The contents are quotes by Mark Gonzales and his views on skateboarding, The reason for including these is to motivate the audience.  

The hierarchy of the design works well in my opinion, The brand name is clearly visible and is reflected in the choice of colour scheme throughout. The title explains what the piece is then blow the key informs the viewer on what the icon designs stand for. From here the skateparks are put in a chronologic order from the left of the map to the right. Under each key for the skateparks is a brief statement giving advise on the park and a basic overview informing the viewer on where is best to go for all skill levels.  

Icon Design for protection:
Simple imagery used - to me the image of the helmet communicates the message effectively i feel that this would cause no real confusion with the viewer. 

Icon design used to show a fee to skate the park

Icon designs for the surface of the skateparks, simplified designs - i have tried to communicate a message by using simplified graphics. I have combined the outcomes so that each icon can work for a mixute of surfaces: Concrete, Tarmac, Metal, Wood.    

Ramp orientated skateparks are again represented by the icon of a ramp this was again produced from my imagery research from my previous research i just tried to simplify the imagery as much as possible, to create an icon that communicates a message instantly.

Information graphics for the style of skatepark 
street orientated skateparks are represented buy the icon of a set of stairs, a common image in street skateboarding as i found from the imagery used in my research.  

I have attempted to distinguish postcode areas using the white boundaries this is again informing the viewer on what area the skatepark is this also makes everything easier for the audience when possibly traveling to the parks simply look at the map select a skatepark put the postcode and park name in the sat nav and the location will be found.    

Different tones of blue have been used to show a distinct area of built up housing and communities this just allows the viewer to see if the skatepark is in a built up area or in a quiet area.  

Icon design for locations on the map:
the pin displays the pin point location of the skatepark, i have used the pin icon just as a bit of a change from the common location icons that to me are becoming boring, the pin image gives the design a much more personal feel, makes them feel more involved...... 

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