Saturday 4 February 2012

100 things:Evaluation, Focus, Develop - Key questions in the process of project development.

Mid brief Evaluation///////

What is the problem:
It seems to me that since skateboarding blew up commercially it seems the fun in skateboarding has diminished, sponsorships and competitions now means that kids growing up are always competing although this is good for the development of the sport it means it puts a serious note on the sport this can cause people to quit the sport.

Who needs to Know:
My target audience would be younger skateboarders, older skateboarders and people who have possibly never skated in their life.

What do the need to know:
They need to know that skateboarding is a fun sport you are an individual and skate how you want, it shouldn't be a competition all of the time, skating how it should be, I was thinking of creating an info graphic map displaying all the skate spot/parks in the surrounding area this will motivate people who dont skate and people who do.

Why do they need to know:
Skateboarding has changed since becoming a commercial sport, sponsorship and company names took over i have learnt this from my previous research, from then on the fun in skateboarding has diminished, kids all becoming competitive. The audience need to know what skateboarding is about not all about competition just have fun.

What will they respond to:
I was thinking about creating two inspirational posters using two inspirational skateboarders one older skater this would appeal to those already skating and a new talent this would appeal to the younger generation wanting to be just like their favourite skater, this would be printed very large and posted up around skateparks? or street spots in the area. Info graphic poster would inform the viewer on where the skateparks are and what it consists off possibly to advise a skatepark to start off skateboarding. Possibly some limited skateboard prints/tshirts.

What research is required:
 - Locations of the skatepark
- quotations from inspirational skateboarders
- what the kids buy...... brands - possibility of the campaign working more effectively with a brand name on board.

After taking a closer look at my target audience and after evaluating key points such as what the viewers will react to, I have decided that my products/campaign would be much more effective if it is in   partnership with a big brand name. From my research i found that skateboarding today is dominated by sponsorship and trend, I will experiment with this and assess the outcome, i will create a survey telling me what the kids are buying. The introduction of a brand name will be the main thing that will grasp the attention of the younger generation.

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