Saturday 25 February 2012

Design is about Doing:

Describe - What is visible? What is the Audience looking at?                                                           
What is visible: I have collected and categorised my research into subjects on
Rainfall in the Uk : Uses - I have attempted to create a design that explains how rain in the uk is collected to both save money and to make the world a better place environmentally, I decided it would be much more effective to visualise the data i have collected rather than using just type. This is more effective in putting the message across, as the viewer can become bored when reading. I researched the process of rain water harvesting then produced a visual outcome that simplifies it all putting the information across in an easy understandable form.

Rainfall and Romance: Romance - Again i have taken the categorised information on Rain and romance then attempted to communicate what i found visually. I found that many people have a memory strongly imprinted in their memory of kissing in the rain (life long memory) this was then backed up by the research into poetry,songwriting and also film. Kissing in the rain is used to give the strongest feeling of romance. I have attempted to take all of this inspiration and then simplify it all to communicate this feeling of romance in the rain. I have used the the imagery of a male and female figure in the rain i chose not to show the figures kissing instead looking directly at each other (the kiss is inevitable.)
Rainfall is beautiful - Beauty of rain (how it makes you feel) - Again from my Categorised information I have looked at how rain makes you feel taking away all of the bad things people see about rain as without rain there would be no life, I found that Rain made people feel free and alive in the rain. I then took this and displayed it in a visual way that i feel would grasp peoples attention and hopefully put this feeling of feeling free in the rain in their mind.

The designs are target audience is Erik Kessels 

Interpret - What does it mean? How does it Function?                                                                      
The poster designs are basically showing that rainfall is nothing to be moaned about, Rainfall is useful, romantic and beautiful, Britain is obviously known for having dull weather however i have tried to focus on rainfall being a good aspect to the british weather, for example showing that it is; Useful in the sense of it being used as a benefit to the ecosystem, Rain as part of romance and how rain can be beautiful feelings it gives you for example.

Evaluate - How successful is it? What context suits it?                                                                       
 I feel that my designs communicated what i set out too: i feel that the simple  typographic layouts maximise readability this style of layout was inspired by modernist graphic design where the key aim of the design is communication. I feel that i have effectively communicated the message by using simplified imagery and as little typographic elements as possible not overcrowding the design reducing any chance of confusion, i attempted to let the image do the talking. If i where to put the posters in context i feel if the poster where to be blown up and placed in airports or anywhere where people would be entering the country.

Theorise - Does it solve the problem, How else could it solve the problem better?                        
I feel that i have achieved what I set out to communicate with each poster design and i feel each poster is visually appealing. However as the design is aimed at Erik i feel that to make the design much more suitable for the target audience.... this is something i will follow up and make alterations to my designs to hopefully make my designs work much more effectively. I plan to look closely at Eriks past work hope fully taking inspiration from this and applying it to my designs to maximise how effective the designs are to the target audience, I will complete this before Monday 26th March the brief deadline.    

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