Saturday 17 March 2012

Design Principles: What is a line, progression of idea and layout ideas.

Final design: 
I am fairly happy with my final product however i feel that, with time allowing i could have looked into much more complex binding method, i initially planned to stitch bind the product however after peer feed back i decided that the purpose of the book would be of frequent use, the stitch bind would have not been suitable for this as wear and tear could cause the books life span to be considerably shorter. I feel that the modernist style layout, increases ease when reading and when in use makes communication much more effective.  

Re - considerations: 
I have decided that the scale of my design would need to be increased if my detailed icon designs where to be visually effective, i feel that the booklet would work better at a4.


Icon designs: Transport and other imagery linked to travel, I looked into what people look for when on holiday i asked around and designed what i felt where the most necessary icon designs from what i had found. 




Digital Layouts 3 Favourites: 

To scale mock up:

Scale of the design i have decided as the design is for frequent use it would be effective is the booklet/publication could be carried at all times, this is where i decided to scale the design down as shown below i am thinking around the size of a passport. 

Initial design sheets:
These design sheets where produced to explore innovative design ideas for the layout of my editorial and publication, i have decided to experiment with white space aiming to create a design that is clean cut and professional outcome. I have looked at a range of modernist layout design i feel that as my brief is about communication i feel that a modernist style layout would be suitable. 


Experimentation with fold out book idea:
I have explored ideas with fold out publication i feel this works effectively, However i feel if the design is going to be used frequently fold out spreads would only get in the way when not in use, i will have to produce a solution to this which i will look into when creating my initial mock up designs. 

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