Thursday 5 April 2012


First day cover:
And date of issue stamp: 

Final designs:

Below i have displayed my final stamps designs before going to print, i decided that i would stick to a two colour print, as from my research i found that as the stamp is at such a small scale the more colour i add to the design the more complex it will become, and i feel this would cause confusion for the viewer and i was aiming for a message to be communicated in as little time as possible, I feel i have achieved this and i feel the stamps run smoothly as a set.  

As you can see below i have designed my icons with simplicity so that the message is communicated instantly i want the viewer to see my designs and instantly know what event it is based on and then to take a closer look at the detail of the design for example for the run to work idea, the icon will be holding a briefcase this is just a clear representation of someone who is running to their place of work same with cycle to school the backpack strengthens the message. 

The simplicity of the icon has also been used as a idea of the one icon representing the public as a whole, the icon holds no personality or features just the basic outline of the human anatomy this means the icon is not female male young or old. It represents the people as a whole. 

After discussing this idea with my tutor and peer's i found that the olympic rings became the focal point of the design and took away the main focus of the design, it is the icons that conveyed the message i aimed to put across. I will now go back to the drawing board and will develop my  designs making the icons the focal point once again.  

I decided to link the rings to a piece of iconic design that is recognisable all over the world the underground map that was designed by Harry Beck i experimented with this and discussed the concept with peers and the design went down well and was instantly recognisable, I plan to develop the idea however i am worried that the design may over crowd and over complicate the design.

Introduction of the olympic rings, i felt that i needed to add something else to the design as well as the icons. I felt the designs where slightly boring and lacking detail as the icons where so simple, I decided i wanted to link the rings to britain rather than having "London 2012" on the actual design.
I have produced a set of design direction boards to help me when developing my design, I have looked at existing visuals to give me a basic idea of what i want to create. Looking at suitable colour schemes that i feel will appeal to both male and female and younger and older generations. Making sure that my target audience is as wide as possible. I have also looked at a range of typefaces that are not only modern but that are also highly readable as the stamp designs are at such a small scale. 

From here: I have decided that i will not base my stamp designs on the olympics as it is a celebration for britain to host the games for the 3rd year, i will choose subjects based on sustainable travel and general energy conservation then will try and link them to events from the olympics for example cycling would be linked to cycle to school getting the public involved to help the environment and to get healthy, i believe that the addition olympics would be a huge part in inspiring the public to make positive environmental changes.

The feedback that i received from the progress crit was very helpful for my decision of which route to go down with my design, i found that some where slightly confused by the simplicity of the designs on general energy saving i feel this is because the designs are so simple it takes a few seconds to grasp the idea, however i received great feed back on my TEAM GB designs. I plan to progress this into a much stronger concept by branching out to the olympics rather than TEAM GB. 

Development of ideas:
In preparation for my progress crit tomorrow i have developed my two strongest ideas on illustrator just to give my peers a basic idea of what the the design will look like once it has been created in illustrator. The two design ideas have come from my research on energy saving and sustainable travel. I decided to base my idea on TEAM GB for travel as i felt this would inspire people to not only help the environment but to also improve their fitness. The design below this was based on energy saving in the home i felt this would be a good choice as it is something everyone could do without any real effort.  

I began the design process by producing as many initial design ideas as possible, as you can see below i experimented with layout and the concept behind the idea i was drawn to 2 main ideas which where, a design that works as a set across all of the stamps, or a simple design that uses only one colour plus stock, i feel both will work but i will experiment with both to find the most effective outcome. I will find this from my peer feedback during progress crits and just developing the design over a period of time.

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