Thursday 26 April 2012

404 Self evaluation:

1) What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?
I feel that the main skill that i have developed during this module has to be, what i have learnt from Lorenzo's sessions on type and grid. I feel that from the development and exploration of thumbnail layout designs, combined with my new enthusiasm for editorial design. Has allowed me to create innovative layout designs and finals, I also feel that i have combined this with what i have learnt from the hierarchy sessions to give my designs a strong hierarchy which i feel helps communicate my design solutions to a much more effective level.       

2) What approaches to/ method of idea generation have you developed and how have they informed your design development process? 
During this module i feel that i have tried not to stick to one idea initially, i have kept my options open throughout and i feel that this has been shown in my what is a line brief i did not commit to one idea straight away like i have been known to in the past. Instead i generated a range of ideas and combined this with peers feedback to produce one of my strongest design solutions to date. This is something that i have learnt throughout this module and i will apply what i have found to my work in the future and i feel this will allow me to produce much more effective outcomes. 

3) What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/ will you capitalize on these? 
I feel that i have shown strengths within book and publication design, i feel although i know the design solution wasn't perfect, however compared to editorial work i have produced in the past i have shown a huge amount of development. in the ways of hierarchy structure and the readability of the editorial as a whole i feel that i have set a goal and achieved this due to a modernist style layout that was created to maximise communication for my what is a line brief.  

4) What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?
During this module i feel my main weakness was to not draw enough this was again shown in my what is a line brief although i was happy with my icon designs, i feel that from looking at my research into existing icon designs i realise now that to create icons that are effective they must run smoothy as a set showing consistency all round maximising communication and minimising confusion. Another key feature that i must improve on is experimenting with different styles of design i feel that throughout i have produced work that is heavily inspired by modernist graphic design. With the up and coming module for context of practise i am looking into the theoretical features behind post modern graphic design and i plan to experiment with this i feel that this will open my options when it comes to design outcomes and not sticking to one style.

5) Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from these things

Digital experimentation: I feel that with the past modules i have developed ideas traditionally in the means of design generation on design sheets but once my mind is set on one idea, I then go onto digitalise this idea alone, however i feel that by experimenting with ideas digitally i will then be able to produce much more effective designs as i will be able to see the elements in place on the screen.  

Screen Printing: I feel that i should experiment with different styles of print, i have really only used digital printing methods throughout my previous modules, i feel that after seeing peers work that they produced using traditional methods of print such as screen printing. I feel that it can give off a real hand made high quality feel to the product.  

I was first introduced to photoshop when beginning this course i have always been much more drawn to working in illustrator and  indesign however after some experimentation i have pushed my photoshop skills further. I plan on exploring what photoshop has to offer over the coming weeks as i feel i can use this to push my work to the next level. 

6) How would you grade your self on the following areas:

5= excellent, 4= very good, 3= good, 2= average, 1=poor 

ATTENDANCE =                                               4
PUNCTUALITY=                                              3
MOTIVATION=                                                4
COMMITMENT=                                            4

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