Wednesday 25 April 2012

Interm Evaluation: OUGD406

Evaluate the problems you have identified and had to resolve within the brief:

I have notice a few key factors that i must improve on, the first being that i must learn to generate a much wider range of initial ideas. I have noticed that i am keen to start designing as soon as possible although this allows me to develop one idea for a longer amount of time this can cause me to overcrowd designs on occasions as i have more time to top up my designs. I must start to generate more ideas and drawing them up, therefore giving me much more to work with and this will in my opinion push me to create much more effective designs that communicate a strong message throughout. At the beginning of the year i have noticed that i created designs that i felt where effective however i have found that to create a highly effective design i must generate a wide amount of both secondary and primary research, this then gives me   a lot of material to work with therefore allowing me to generate a wider range of ideas. The main problem i have come across is the need to vary my products i have found that throughout my designs so far at the college most have looked fairly similar visually, i aim to get away from this in the development of my designs for the Context of Practice brief where i aim to experiment with both Post modernist and Modernist styles and views on what design should be, this brief will allow me to educate myself on the postmodernist style of design hopefully widening my design options.

Evaluate the key considerations that you had to take into account when investigating this brief:

The key considerations i look into when going through my design process is to initially to look at the target market that my design is aimed at, i try make sure that my design is not only innovative but is also suitable for the audience i make sure that i achieved this by looking at a range of material that is already on the market this was shown in my 100 things brief that was based on a skateboarding campaign I have shown below how i have looked in depth at the aesthetics of existing products then designed my outcome to target the same audience.

Evaluate the research activities that you had to undertake in order to resolve the brief:

I have generated a wide range of research both primary and secondary, the primary research was used to gain a greater understanding and views of the target audience i have found that throughout the research generated from this is mainly used as the the content for my designs. The secondary research i have generated is looking into existing work on the subject and work that will appeal to the target audience this is the starting point for my design direction.

Evaluate the examples of secondary research that has informed my design decisions:

My secondary research has been used to look in depth at existing work that i find visually appealing and what i believe will be suitable for my target audience this has been shown in my OUGD406 module in the STAMP IT brief, I have looked at existing designs on the specific subject just to gain a greater awareness of what has already been done and what style of design has been effective. 

I have then gone onto look at work that i feel would be visually appealing to the specific audience, as i feel the work i have already looked at is slightly dull as for this project i decided to combine the environmentally friendly idea with the olympic games i have looked at existing work from the olympics and have found that these designs where much more aesthetically pleasing the designs looked clean professional. The readability and Legibility of the type was also very effective, This was exactly the style that i needed to re create. 

Evaluate the examples of Practical research that informed your resolution:

Before coming to the college i had never really looked at any effective primary research methods i have now been introduced to creating surveys this then allows you to gain the opinions and ideas of your target market. This then gives you the content of your design the research that you undertake then gives you the means in which to design. I believe that the realisation of this is what has developed my designs   so much throughout my time at the college i no longer design just for the sake of it, I believe my designs are starting to communicate the selected message much more effectively.

Evaluate the breadth of initial ideas that you generated in response to the brief:

When first attending Leeds College of Art i was partial to initially starting a few design ideas and after finding a design that i felt was effective, just going on to develop the one idea, however i have sacrificed neatness for a wider range of designs this gives me more of a choice and also improves my generation of ideas, i have developed this throughout my time at the college and it seems to be helping my design development a huge amount. I have also found that it gives me the  option to compare design ideas and even to combine them. 

Evaluate the breath of visual investigation that you explored before deciding on your design direction:
The visual investigation of existing work has not only inspired my design but has been used throughout my time at LCA to gain a greater understanding of what the will be effective in targeting that specific audience. I feel that my work is heavily inspired by the work of many designers at the moment mainly the work of Massimo Vignelli i try to keep up to date with design blogs to look at existing designers work and what is popular at this moment in time. I aim to look at a range of different designers to open my options with design i aim to look at some post modernist designers to hopefully experiment with this style of design as well as progress with modernist styles of design. 

I have selected an event that is one of the main focal points of the media, i realised that everyone in britain and even the world will be engaging with the "Olympics" I decided it would be effective if i where to link the event to the the games so i decided to make olympic events link in with the energy saving and sustainable travel theme i created icon designs that where a key feature of the olympics and designed my own related to everyday life. As the use of an icon instead of an illustrative design the icon holds no personality and this was meant to represent the public as a whole. 

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