Saturday 2 February 2013

OUGD 504_ Evaluation_

What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

Before entering this year i had no real understanding of design for print, by creating our own print production manual this allowed me to explore areas that i was really interested and was a great way of gaining a much better understanding of Print. I have displayed this through the exploration into new print finishes Embossing de bossing, Screen printing. I have also gained a greater understanding of commercial costings for print, i have not only done this through secondary research but also by going on visits to commercial printers to find out what processes occur and which ones cost the most money i found that specialist finishes such as embossing are expensive if the product is a limited run however in the long run if its a mass produced product this turns out to be cheaper in the long run. This module has introduced me into the world of web design, i have learnt what makes for effective web design, i have done this by exploration into existing web design looking at what makes each work effectively and in most cases what does not work effectively. The sessions we have had with simon where very useful as it made the whole process of coding less daunting. I feel that although my ideas where not achievable with my current skill set within Dream Weaver i have mocked up what i would have produced if i had developed my skills within HTML5 I plan on pushing my skills further and further to achieve this level in the future.    

What approaches to methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

Throughout this module i have based all of my time and effort into the development of ideas and the production of my design. I feel this has benefited my design greatly in terms of new production methods and processes however i paid no attention to blogging and this has really caused me to stress towards the end of the module and i feel has effected my design production however in terms of design development throughout this module as soon as an idea popped into my head i would crack on with developing that idea this has worked effectively in my opinion whereas last year i would take notes and never really get round to developing the idea. i will make sure to keep blogging along side my design production from now on and just improve my time management skills allowing me to not only develop the ideas and push them but also to keep up to date with blogging at the same time to become a less stressed effective designer. 

What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

I have developed new strengths within web design and this is something i will be pushing further within my practice as i would love to carry this on throughout my career as a designer. However i feel that the biggest development within my work is the way i have reacted to briefs i feel that my idea generation is improving drastically i feel this is due to how i am developing ideas as they come into my head instead of writing on a piece of paper and never getting round to it, This is something i will carry on as i feel it is really making me much more enthusiastic about my design. However i will say again i must manage my time effectively making sure that i leave my self a reasonable amount of time to update my blog and in some cases develop the whole design as one rather than single aspects of the design. Another strength that i have developed is working on multiple briefs at once this has shown how my time management has improved in some aspects for example i am able to work on multiple briefs effectively it is just the time management within those individual briefs that needs to be improved for the next module. I have also developed a huge amount with the presentation of my work in terms of verbal presentation and also in terms design boards, Loraine sat down with me and explained what was needed on my boards and how the use of white space is effective, I feel that the boards i have produced alone display the process i went through during this module.   

What weaknesses can you identify in your and work and how will you address these in the future?

The main weakness that i can find during this module is simple the Finish to the products this is simply down to the fact i could not afford to purchase the stock for my design for Print and web and for my print production manual i was unable to afford the commercial print that i was after the inclusion of spot colour and de bossing would have bumped the cost up drastically however this was all acceptable as the design was not created for mass production it would be a single run meaning it would be a one off and for this reason the high quality print techniques where put together in combination with beautiful stocks to create something that would have created a book that had a beautiful feel and was a bit special. Although i was unable to get the final pieces printed i still feel that i have mocked up how the design would look and feel by not only including the selected stock in the hand in but also by applying the finishes to them. Another weakness is that i was possibly a bit ambitious when it came to the creation of my web design, although there are aspects of my web design for hand in that are not working as i would have hoped, i feel that i have explained what i aimed to achieve if my skill set would have been up to that level. Im not sure if i will get marked down for this but in my opinion i feel it simply just shows what i want to achieve  in the future with exploration into what can be created with HTML5.

Identify 5 things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from these?

Improve Boards Further: I am going to do my work more justice and work on my presentation boards so my feedback improves as will my entries into live briefs and layout and grid skills.

Blogging: I am going to make sure that i am up to date with all blogging as i go along within the next module, this will not only make me a less stressed designer but will also allow me to focus more on the design production in turn generating much more effective designs. 

Carrying on  Experimentation Processes: I experimented with more finishes within this module which I was please as I always wanted to screen print and de boss ect. I plan on actually building this into my designing further and not making it just experimentation of media. I suppose this will simply build on the skills i have already experimented with 

Ideas: I feel that throughout this module i have broke away from my usual approach to design witch is normally rather under control and serious i have developed ideas through out this module that have been rather out of the box and in my opinion i feel this has been effective i plan on carrying this on throughout the next module but i will make sure not to go to over the top with my ideas. I feel this will just develop my whole skill set when i comes down to idea generation.

Attendance - 4
Punctuality - 4
Motivation - 3
Commitment - 3
Quantity or work produced - 4
Quality of work produced - 3
Contribution to the group - 4

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