Tuesday 26 February 2013

What is Good Crit_

I found this crit to be highly effective in terms of really moving on conceptually with my design ideas each of the word association really allowed me to specify what i was going to achieve for example from the first list i realised i was going to create a healthy fresh healthy eating company that was full of energy and moved away from its boring stereotype.

My audience is busy young professionals and students  who are in some cases price conscious and are always on the move and struggle to stay healthy when on the move in a busy city environment.

In terms of tone of voice i really feel that a modern relaxed environment with persuasive design making all the products and the experience desirable.

5 words related to my Good_

_ Health 
_ Fresh 
_ Energy
_ Green 
_ Boring

5 words Relating to my target audience_ 

_ On the move 
_ Young
_ Price conscious
_ Fit 
_ Unfit 
_ Busy 
_ Professional 

Tone of voice_ 

_ Persuasive
_ Relaxed 
_ Calming 
_ Formal 
_ Informative

Possible Outcomes_ 

_Packaging Design
_Restaurant /bistro Branding
_Information Graphics 
_ Promotional work eg posters
_ Website
_ Application_ Phone/ Tablet
_ Informative Booklet and Packaging

Processes That could be possibly used_ 

Screen Printing to achieve spot colour
Spot varnish 
Perfect binding

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