Tuesday 26 February 2013

Re Written Brief_ What is good_

Brief Title_ 

An introduction to Healthy Eating_

The Brief_

There is raising concern about obesity and un healthy eating in this country it is feared that this will be passed on through the generations and it is down to you to try and prevent this. 
Introduce and persuade the younger generation to eat healthy eating, highlight the problems with healthy. and make it appeal to the younger generation and hopefully change their eating habits.


There is a growing problem with bad health and obesity in the world, and it is feared that this is only going to get worse as it is passed down through generations, The main problem is how healthy eating is perceived by the public_ Tasteless, Bland and boring when in fact it is the total opposite, however the younger generation would much rather grab a quick burger or pizza or other un healthy snacks, Passing buy the healthy foods. 


Consider looking at what appeals to the target audience not only in terms of food but general interests making sure that your design decisions are targeting the right crowd. Look at what has already been created and analyse what has been done well and what has not this will allow you to make the most effective design decisions.

Target Audience_ 

With this brief we are aiming to reach out to the younger generation to give them a different opinion on healthy eating As it will be their knowledge and understanding that will be passed on to further generations. The specific target audience are the people who generally live the most un healthy lives for example, Young Professionals that are on the go, People who have just moved out from home this includes students and also young families. 

Tone of Voice_ 

As the brief is targeting a fairly young audience it is vital that the tone of voice is Persuasive but not to formal. Relaxed and calming. Must be modern to ensure it appeals to the audience.


Final products and proposals for your response to the brief this may include mock ups, Final artwork, Fully functioning index file and supporting media, ready for online hosting. 

A pdf of 5 presentation boards summarising the key practical, conceptual and technical decisions made during the development of your projects. 

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