Tuesday 9 October 2012

Crit Feedback on Branding and packaging:

For this crit we brought in our package designs with our brand names applied. We then went on to get into groups of 6, After selecting a partner we then went around giving feedback to our peers work, This  feedback will educate me on what i can do to improve my branding and packaging skils.

Recurring themes within this crit: 
- Craft quality of nets
- Set or range
- Stock quality
- Craft quality of the piece its self
- Position of logo
- Details for sale considered

Crit Feedback:

Very consistent colour scheme
Interesting application of logo
Great range of nets and very clean simplistic logo and colour scheme 
Very nice stock and use of durable materials
Inventive Spiralling wine bottle label could see this working in retail
Logo is always re printed to avoid confusion of name.

Areas for improvement: 
String on the shopping bag, could have been the suitable coulor
The guide lines should have been removed
Keep the type size consistent along the range of packaging.


Build quality could be refined.

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