Sunday 7 October 2012

Net Thumbnails and Application of branding:

For this session we where asked to de construct a net design that we selected from our products we brought to the session, I decided to go with a simple net design that i felt i could experiment with.
The net design i selected is shown below.

From here i went onto scale the net down and then repeated the net design over and over:
this allowed me to look at the net design as blank canvas for me to work with. 

The next step was then to take the 5 pieces of branding design and then apply these brands to the new net designs.

I took these into consideration when applying branding to these nets:
- stock the design would be printed on
- Modifications to the net 

New Task is to create: Brand 5 new packages with one brand logo, I decided to select the logo design that i felt would be Simple and would be consistent throughout the whole range of packages.

Branded Products Photographed Presentation:

My final net designs:

As you can see i decided to keep my branding designs very simple, this was a decision i made after being inspired by effective designs i have looked at. I feel that the most effective designs where so simple i feel that this makes sure not to over power the viewer.

Design Ideas and layout:
I decided that it would be benificial to me to expand on my development of ideas, as this would allow me to select the most effective design ideas, for this i decided to combine a few ideas.  

Packaging Inspiration: I decided that before applying my branding to my net designs it would be beneficial, to have a look into existing packaging designs to see how the branding and identity was effectivley placed on each of them. The images that i have collected are displayed below, I class the designs as being produced to very high standard and i felt where very effective. I based this judgement on a few factors: The quality of the stock, innovation and in my opinion simplicity i feel this is what makes the branding of the package so effective.

Lovely Packaging:

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