Monday 21 November 2011


Sebastian Needler 
Blog adress: S-NEEDLER1114

1. What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

The main skill i have developed through out this module has to to be time management, as i feel i have produced a range of quality design sheets and in most cases happy with my final designs. I feel that the high intensity course and the students i am working alongside has pushed me to achieve all of the goals i set myself. 

Development of Digital work:
Although i have worked on illustrator before coming to this college, i feel that after the workshops i now feel i can use the tools correctly. I have applied my new skills to all digital aspects of my designs. I have also developed my skills with layout of type in illustrator, i have  taken notice of the guides and now use a grid system for all typographic elements to try and make communication as effective as possible this has mainly being inspired by the research of Modernist graphic design.     

2. What approaches to/methods of idea generation have you developed and how have the informed your design development process?

This has always been a problem of mine, as i always seem to get one idea in my head then find it hard to get away from the initial idea. I have attempted to fight against this by getting as many ideas onto paper as possible along side a mind map of ideas, i have then attempted to combine two ideas to form one. Although i initially thought this would be a great idea for my generation of ideas, this only made it harder for me to communicate a message to the viewer. But overall i feel i have achieved what i set out too and in my opinion all messages where communicated to the viewer and in most cases this was the feedback i received from the crits.     

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

I feel that my main strength this module was my development of the layout of typographic elements and imagery i showed a range of ideas displaying not only where type would be but how it would be aligned and how it would work around the image. I have also in some cases looked at how the type placement could put across a message to the viewer. 

The Typeface that i created for my partner is so far my favourite design i have created, In my opinion the design puts across the feeling "laid back/chilled" subtly i have been thinking as this is the only design i have not applied changes too I will develop this design taking into consideration what i gained from the crit and possibly publish this typeface onto "Da font."

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?

In my opinion my main weakness is committing to one idea straight away, I feel the only way i can combat this is just getting all ideas onto paper and just expanding on these. However at the beginning of our college life we worked on a brief as a group i found that discussing my ideas with my peep Abbas we where able to generate much more effective ideas just by sharing ideas with each other. I suppose this just means i should speak to other peers about my ideas?     

Blogging: As i am new to this method of work the blog initially confused me although my design practice blog seems to be up to date, I feel i could expand on my design context blog  basically used for displaying research and inspiring work.

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

- Ask for peers advise on my work: This way i receive a secondary view point on my work, basically puts the design out to the public. This will then give me the feedback i need to develop my designs so that the message is effective in communication.   

- Develop a wider range off initial ideas: This will just give me a wider range of ideas to work with allowing my ideas to grow or to be combined with other ideas. 

- Induction to the laser cutter/print inductions: This just gives me a choice of different media in some cases this can have a huge effect on the communication of the design, "what i am trying to say" to the viewer.  

- Reading: I will look at the books i purchased over the summer and will improve my understanding of certain principles such as typography looking at the anatomy of Type and graphic design as a whole.  

Attendance - 5
Punctuality - 3
Motivation - 4
Commitment - 4 
Quantity of work - 4 
Quality of work - 4
Contribution to the group - 3 

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