Thursday 3 November 2011

PROVERBALLY YOURS// MESSAGE & DELIVERY - Initial ideas and envelope design:

Here are my design ideas for the envelope design.
I have decided to go with the idea of a poster design that folds out of an exterior envelope.
I developed the idea as show below.

This was my favourite of the developments, as from the outside i feel it would work with the typographic elements i intend on applying.   

unfolded the design would then represent a incline to give a feel of achievement in the end

We where told to draw up some quick ideas from our occupation so I sketched down what initially came into my head from the work "farmer" 

Corn - crop

Flatcap - worn by farmers


Tools of a farmer
I then developed the ideas into their simplest form almost like creating an info graphic 

I then selected the idea I felt I could develop the most which was the corn image, i found after looking to farming that the crop is what is sold to earn money so overall - crop = money.

I decided to develop this idea as shown below:

This shows the idea as crops being seen as money 
I have a feeling I will then further develop this to either being held by what would represent a farmers arm or could also simplify the design in almost an info graphic style

From this idea i then decided to digitalise this idea below are two ideas that came to my head taking into consideration communication to the viewer. Also looking at simplifying the design so that comunication of the message is clearer to the viewer:

The design above depicts the message of the crop = money

Moving the design idea on i combined my research into farming and decided i could create an info graphic for example the design working as a whole as a visual graph, a picto-graph this is a great way of putting a message across to the viewer.

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