Monday 14 November 2011


Final A1 print:
With developments to fit the requirement of the brief using swatch colours (100% yellow) this was then reduced in each letter from from 100% - 60% - 40% stock was then covered in a full (key) black. the reason for this was the yellow was in high contrast with the black allowing the letterforms to jump out taking extension of hue into consideration looking for maximum legibility as this is a typographic design that is very abstract.  

Screen shot of my initial final design: 
I was happy with my final outcome however when looking back over the brief i found that this design did not fit the requirements, as the design was restricted to the use of two colour as this only used (key) and (stock)

What I found: 

In my opinion the design worked as a set however I worried that when the design was in use would the legibility of the design would not be high enough therefore confusing the viewer.

I technically experimented with a few outcomes for example rounding the corners of each design the problem i came up agains was the perspective when this was applied the design lost the effect of a different perspective when this was in use. 

Development of ideas digitally: this is a representation of my letter form "A" 

The next step was to reduce the opacity of the two new vectors down to 100% - 60% - 40% this was to give the design a depth again going along with the perspective of the design, this was again to increase the communication of "Layer"

Creation of finals: 
Above i have shown screen shots for the production of my finals. I created the initial vector of my design
and the using a grid system and the pen tool, I went on to overlay another two of the same design using the (alt) key and then dragging a duplicate of the initial vector creating a layered effect.  

Moving on with the idea of perspective: I decided that to design a type face that represented the word layer would struggle to create a flat design, so i decided to play around with the perspective/viewpoint i found that i could comunicate the message of "layer" much easier and effectively by playing around with this as shown above.  

I decided that I would try to strip the letterform down maybe just using the outer shape of the letterform, although this reduces the amount of legibility the original letter form holds it gives the design a much more innovative perspective to the viewer making them think not just process what is in front of them.   

The design sheets above display my initial ideas and the development of ideas as they progressed from traditional drawings using traditional media on to the use of digital media in the form of adobe illustrator. i have taken screenshots to show the process i carried out to achive my final designs.

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