Tuesday 16 April 2013

Responsive Collabarative Brief: Fedrigoni Pizza YCN

Working on the YCN as a collaborative was very effective for me in realising some key things. From doing this i have found that i should have confidence within my concepts. I in the past have been hesitant to push my ideas as i have sometimes felt they where slightly to ridiculous.

However i have felt a lot more confidence working as a duo and i now feel that in combination with this and great feedback from online networking. I have found the confidence i needed to push these ideas and have trust in myself to push these ideas.

My main role within this brief was the generation of ideas the process basically went on looking at what  is seen as recognisable worldwide from italy and links to the tongue in cheek nature of the brief. I initially decided that it would be effective if if we where to create italian food from paper however we thought that italian pasta would be to hard to create so i looked at italian food and instantly thought that the famous italian pizza would be a great choice as this would not only be a direct link to italy but would also communicate the affordability of the product.

I diagnosed that the problem with fedrigoni was that they where seen as a specialist paper company the prices would be too expensive and the whole identity they have generated reflects expense i feel it is down to me and andy to create a design outcome that is a bit more fun and will be memorable for the viewer. 

After generating the concept we split the work throughout this brief however we always stayed in contact with one another as this is what helps the designs develop. Andy focused mainly on the visual aspects of the design and crafting while i looked into deliverables the publication aspect of the project.

In terms of creating an idea for the concept i really needed to generate an idea that would get the audience involved with the design so i decided to generate book design that would contain net designs and encourage them to create the taste of italy. When creating these design i was worried that this would become to corporate and formal so i decided to design the book linking back to food and designing the publication as a italian menu. This then gave me the idea to link the paper stocks in with the menu theme in a fun creative manor.

“Our luxury smooth,uncoated 250gsm Lampone tomato sauce is made with fresh tomatoes from the fields of Verona Italy”

The bind was created to allow the pages to fold out with the net designs with perforated outlines allowing for simple construction of the forms. I feel that the DIY aspect of this design is the real grasping point as the instant aesthetic appeal of the pizza makes you want to create your very own.

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