Wednesday 17 April 2013

Responsive: Forrest&Bob Look book Design.

The Forrest&Bob look book brief was another self initiated brief that was simply to allow me to experiment with bookbinding and just to create a look book i am really into fashion at the moment and this was a great opportunity for me. I was able to gain a bit of industrial experience as i was actually able to contact the photographer and he was able to send me the imagery from the Forrest and Bob range. 

After looking at a range of look book designs i found that the main problem is that the actual design of the book was too simple in terms of functionality the designs although the aesthetics of the design can be changed i feel all look book designs are becoming boring so decided to create and innovative format. 

I decided to use a beautiful Textured stock from GFSmith as i feel in terms of print based materials it is a necessity for the feel to reflect the design and as i am communicating the high quality of the products the stock must represent this feel and quality.

I decided to keep the front cover of the design simple as the concept would become overpowering if the cover was too busy. A simple white foiled Forrest&Bob logo would be centrally foil blocked in white.

I again decided to keep the typographic elements to a minimal as i wanted the imagery to be the main focal point of the design. I feel that by doing this i have created a design that has a very clean modernist aesthetic.  

The concept was all about the revealing of the Forrest & Bob Spring/Summer i decided it would be a great idea to produce an innovative format that played on this revealing idea. the book is bound so that the folded edges are on the opposite edge to normal and then perforated this then means the viewer has to rip to reveal the products as shown above, i feel this gives the design an innovative aspect and really makes the design stand out amongst the rest.

The images i was supplied with for the creation of this publication:

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