Friday 12 April 2013

Responsive:Dieline: Heinz 69

The Dieline is a national packaging competition that entered by some of the leading design agencies in the world although the competition is huge and is costly to enter i felt this was a great opportunity for me to produce and develop a concept i have had in my mind for a long time. The competition had a section that would allow me to enter this competition. 

The concept is basically solving the problem that we all encounter when the sauce is stuck at the bottom of the bottle, this is down to how the previous user has placed the bottle after use. Heinz have tried to eradicate this problem by flipping the logo upside down however i feel this just simple causes confusion. I simply feel that this could all be solved to create a bottle design that gives Heinz the ultimate usability. All the bottle needs is another lid at the opposite end meaning there is no bottom so no more stuck sauce. 

I had the concept in my head and simply needed to produce something to communicate the concept visually this is where i decided to ask Abbas to come into the project i felt that by getting Abbas involved with the project this would then allow me to develop the actual visualisation of the product. he was able to help this brief in terms of producing the visuals for submission. 

i started to create the logo design for this product the logo design was created so that it would read the same both ways when stacked. Abbas then pointed out to me that the 69 read both ways and was even part of when the company was founded. 

I wanted the design to be minimal as i felt this communicated modern aesthetic and would keep the design simple making sure not to over complicate. 

In terms of how the product would be advertised i felt we should follow the history of how Heinz is always advertised. From research i looked into the history of heinz advertisements and looked at how they use simplicity and creativity very effectively. 

We decided that a simple strap line was all that was needed. 

Abbas showed his skills once again by putting the design in context the recognisable red of ketchup is an instant attention grabber and as you can see below the designs would instantly grab the attention of the viewers. I believe we have created a design that is highly effective in not only grabbing the viewers attention but also in increasing the usability of the product. 

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