Saturday 6 April 2013

Responsive: SAS Productions film Producers Development&FinalDesigns

SAS film productions was again a brief that i decided to take on from design crowd, the brief asked for a logo that was recognisable and that was memorable the Company was based in New York City and worked on a range of Filming Mediums. I initially processed a range of ideas on what people worldwide would see as recognisable with Film, New york ect. the film reel was an obvious choice for what would be recognisable, and i instantly was drawn to the stature of liberty been a direct icon of New York City. 

I then went onto read from the brief that. 

Nice to Have:
- Logo can have a candle but instead of the regular flame, it can have a film reel coiled up as though burning. 

I thought that i could then combine the two aspects and bring them together to create the logo design i felt that i must keep the detail of the logo to a minimum without making the design look to basic. as a logo design is a direct reflection of the company.

The logo that i have created was heavily inspired by a range of existing successful film production logos however the problem i feel they face is when the logo is applied to range of product the very detailed designs loose the quality and become in effective so i have tried to keep the design subtle but yet hilly effective in communicating the theme. The typographic elements are again using Serif typeface as i felt this was more appropriate for the design after looking at a range of existing designs.  I also feel that the serif typeface communicates the professionalism of the company. 

I then decided it would be beneficial for me to push this brief further. I decided to look at how the logo would be juxtaposed with typographic elements and a range of different products that are related to the subject i feel this really gave me a greater understanding of how the logo design would work in the context it would be within.

I feel the simplicity is highly effective and that it gives the design a real professional aesthetic i feel the logo design works effectively with the two colour prints i have shown. I decided that using the spot colour orange really made the designs stand out and in combination with the black typographic elements really produced high levels of readability and legibility.  

I  Thought it would again be beneficial for me to look how the spot colour would work when the designs are actually printed, due to limited resources i decided that the best way to reproduce this would be through screen printing. As you can see from the examples shown below the prints didn't come out as clean as i would have hoped. However i do feel that i have been able to show how effective the spot colour is in grasping the viewers attention, the prints also show how effective the typographic elements stand out against the colour.

One thing that i have learnt from this experimentation is that i must work quicker when experimenting with screen print. I accidentally left the screen for to long when inked this then resulted in the screen becoming blocked in places. This meant the typographic elements did not transfer effectively.

Job Type
Logo Design
Task Outline
  • Create a Logo Design
Task Description
I need a logo design for a filmmaker based out of NYC. I'm a filmmaker, so I director, shot, edit feature films, short films, commercials, corporate videos and music videos. I need an overall logo design that will be the face of my company. I want it to be a "brand name" type logo, where it can be easily recognizable if anywhere were to see it elsewhere.
Logo Text
Logo Styles of Interest
Wordmark Logo
Word or name based logo (text only)
Abstract Logo
Conceptual / symbolic (optional text)
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Target Market(s)
Other filmmakers but also people who might not know much about film and how its equipment and accessories look like.
Look and Feel
Each slider illustrates characteristics of the customer's brand and the style your design should communicate.

Elegant Bold
Playful Serious
Traditional Modern
Personable Professional
Feminine Masculine
Colorful Conservative
Economical Upmarket
Nice to Have:
- Logo can have a candle but instead of the regular flame, it can have a film reel coiled up as though burning.

Or a seed growing into a tree with film strips.

A constant motif is the film reel.

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