Saturday 26 January 2013

Print and Web: Pre flight_

In terms of pre flight i thought i would put what i have learnt during the print production brief into practice here, i decided it would be effective within my design development if before sending my work to print i was able to print out a low quality copy to check over and present to my peers, The feed back i received was very constructive in that i was directed to possibly change the type size but appart from that the designs look very effective. I am happy with this feedback and I will be moving on with pushing the design further.

This shows a mock up of my double sided print.

In terms of pre press when it came down the specification booklet i wanted to create something different, I stripped down what needed to be in the booklet so in turn making it much more user friendly i also designed my own innovative binding method that was inspired by the paper cutting and folding work of GFSmith. The design is displayed below and shows the process of how the booklet is dismantled and bound. 

The images below simply display the sheets i presented to my peers in hope to receive feedback the top sheets where presenting the development of my logo design and the sheet to the bottom showing the developmental work of my on demand web site. 

Development of my on demand web Site and the filter system it will display. I experimented with a range of a layouts ect however i will always go with the white background keeping the design simple so the content is the main focus.

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