Tuesday 15 January 2013

Web Design: Development of Design_

The image below is showing how the design process then in turn led to manipulation of the wire frame i was forced to reduce the columns down to 3  this was to account for the size of my interactive features. However you can see clearly how i have simplified my navigation giving the design a stronger hiararchy and in turn becoming much more user friendly.

The image below shows the initial start to my web design as you can see i have already placed in my background image and buttons, Below is simply showing the process in which the title of the page is then a link back to the home page. As you can see i found from my research that a good web design allows the viewer to access any page from any Page. As you can see my navigation allows this.

Mocking up of my HTML5 Aspects of my design_

As i have just been introduced to web design it is impossible for me to produce areas of my design that are displayed below, i wanted to create something innovative for my navigation, as shown below the circles themselves would represent planets all orbiting the large one. each planet would be one of the different topics/pages this would be used as an interactive navigation. the highlighted planet would then give a brief explanation so the viewer can look to see if they want to explore this further. I decided to mock up the process of the orbit as shown below just to give a general idea of the movement. 

Moving on with the development of my web design i decided that from feedback in the crit and after re assessing the design i am going to combine two of the layout ideas, both the top left design and the bottom right, I found that the background image on the top left worked effectively however the hierarchy of the typographic elements was confusing, on the other hand the bottom right design was to bland but with some slight alterations such as laying the links in a horizontal line would sort this hierarchy out. and the title in the top left corner gives the design as a whole a much stronger hiararchy.   

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