Monday 14 January 2013

Scamps: Group Crit:

Insert Photos of Web scamps_

We bagan by generating 5 questions we would like to be answered during the crit:

- What is the most effective layout for my imagery? How many images per page? 
- What placement works the best for the typographic elements?
- Is sticking with a black and white colour scheme a good or bad idea?
- Is the amount if body copy ok? 
- Is letting the image communicate a bad idea? should the web design represent the content?

I felt that by finding the answer to these question i would then know what i need to apply to my designs to make it as effective as possible:

The feedback i received:

Strengths: (Numbers represent each scamp) 
Clean interface design
2 - image with overlayed text works well, focuses eye, great use of space
7 - Different sized images in the grid, simple 
8 - side scroll is simple and interesting - how images change when scroll this is visually interesting.
Typography works most effectively on 2 - 7 in a grid readable and understandable.

Areas for improvement:
More info - what are the links, what is my content?
if imagery is communicating, please show it in your scamps
5 - Text is all over the place not clear about where to look/read
Keep text along an eye line to avoid confusion about where and what to read?

Stick with the white background this makes the images stand out without making the page look overcrowded.
Good if the images deal with the communication as it is easier for the user
stick with number 2 but combine this with elements with 8 

Notes from this crit:
Validation: make sure i do not ask for validation
Make sure i ask no loaded questions
The design should justify its self!
Be specific with my questions
Ask useful questions

Alterations for my final scamp:

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