Tuesday 15 January 2013

Web Design: Development_ Crit and Feedback_

For this crit we were split into groups of 6 and then paired, this allowed us to our peers work as a team and discus what we thought about the design, i feel this is effective as it allows us to in some cases argues the fors and against of each design. Below displays the feed back i have received from my peers.

As you can see below i have experimented with a few different digital mock ups, as i was unsure about which direction to go. I was hoping to gain an overall direction from the crit and my peers really helped me out, I decided to go with a combination of the design on the top left and the typographic layout of the design to the bottom right. I felt that the design at the bottom left was aesthetic in my opinion but i felt like i was designing for me rather than the audience. However from the feedback i found that the design was not appropriate for the audience.

Below shows the wire frame of my website this is the measurements and the frame on which i would be creating my web design, The image at the top displays the size of the background images that would be used to fill the whole browser and would be the background of my web design. The diagram below shows the wireframe for the columns and editable regions where images and typographic regions 

The diagram below is displaying the site map, this is the overall navigation and page layout of the web design. 

Design sheets and development work, I produced a range of different ideas in terms of design sheets all where experimenting with different layout and columns. I feel that a lot of the design ideas i came up with where in some areas un achievable however this was not a problem as i asked about this and if i mock up an idea i can always develop my skill set and aim to achieve this with practice within dream weaver and coding ect. 

Feedback that i received from the crit 


Obvious what the web site is for
layout of the bottom right design looks best with the title at the top left
Design 1 and 4 are favourite Break the page up into two columns 

Column on the left dark grey low opacity

Home page is simplistic which makes the web design easy to navigate, it also looks very clean and not your usual index page
The photograph on the background works very well
The type is legible and contrasts with it i like the simple shapes and layout of the website, the use of the space works well in context - Especially when exploring the subject of space/

Areas of improvement:

The Alignment of the navigation bar needs to be fixed, Humans in space - this especially looks odd make sure to watch out for rags and widows. 

on design 1 make the tabs horizontal - because this looks confusing 


Bigger point size on the type
Increase the size of the logo design.

consider the size of the navigation bar  consider making the design boards more clear to evaluate.

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