Saturday 12 January 2013

Web design_ Uses_ Purpose:

I have looked at what the main uses of a website are and created a list below_

 The main uses of web design_

I will be looking in depth at existing web design as looking at how the execute some of the below.  

_ Display information
_ Point of contact
_ Promotion 
_ Informing 
_ Persuasion 

The target audience for web design is never (EVERYONE) there will always be a direct target audience in mind. I must research into my audience to create a web design that will be fully effective in targeting the selected audience. 

3 important Factors a website must have:

- Usability
- Aesthetics 
- Content 

Task - Aspects of design - we are creating a list of aspects we think we would include in our web design:

For our own personal life_ 

- Homepage

This would display some examples of my work and some brief information on my work

- Portfolio

displaying my work and about what i have created - contact details. 

- About me page
this would just have information on me and as myself as a 

designer, contact details and links to blogs and other online networking

As a group we then went onto discus what we felt was justified pages to use? 

 - Landing page - NO 

 - Homepage - makes the first impression must be amazing!

 - Contact Page? Run this as a footer? 

- About 

 - CV

 - Portfolio 

 - Costing Page - this should be contact for quote 

I must make sure to categorise my information making sure that my web design is not overpowering and make sure it 

If wanting to work in a studio - Produce Cv - making cv's look like info graphics

Techniques that can be used to make the design clean and not looked cluttered is by putting the imagery in a colour pallet and place moving imagery separately to avoid areas of attraction.


We where then asked to create a design for our homepage of our website displaying the layout of our design: 

My feedback was:

The design looked confusing and contained to much body text plan of action from this will be to minimise the body text. However in my opinion the layout was always going to be confusing as there is no content. I feel that when i have my content the design would run smoothly and look clean. 

The logo should only be placed in one position rather than two. - Keep the image over the centred image. 

Feedback to the group as a whole:
Clean but un original
Redundant features
Keep it simple!
Use grids: 

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